J6 Political Prisoner Darrell Neely Is Sleeping Under a Bridge After He Was Released From Prison – Is Banned From Homeless Shelter In NC and Needs Help | The Gateway Pundit | by Alicia Powe

J6 Political Prisoner Darrell Neely Is Sleeping Under a Bridge After He Was Released From Prison – Is Banned From Homeless Shelter In NC and Needs Help


***Please help Darrell buy a phone and afford one month’s rent, after Joe Biden and Kamala Harris destroyed his life, here. ***

The Gateway Pundit received a call from an unknown number listed as a charity organization last week.

Darrell Neely, a January 6 political prisoner just released from FCI McDowell in Welch, West Virginia in late June, was on the line.

“They hate me here. I have nowhere to go…I am sleeping under a bridge. They hate Trump here and they hate January 6ers here. There is nothing but psychiatric patients here who want to kill me,” Neely, alarmed and out of breath, urgently explained.

J6ers are not welcome at the government’s ‘rehabilitation’ facilities,” he said. 

Neely, a D.C.-based conservative talk radio show host and YouTube broadcaster, told TGP on his last call from prison before he was released for misdemeanor trespassing, that intended to “hit the ground running” once free, re-establish his radio network and return to the airwaves to help secure former President Donald Trump’s electoral victory in November and help the other political prisoners who are still going through hell behind bars.

J6 Political Hostage Darrell Neely Released From Prison After 3 Years Of Incarceration

The remainder of Neely's sentence requires him to remain in North Carolina, where he intended to reside with his ex-wife.

When he arrived at her home, he quickly realized the woman he once called his wife had a bone to pick over politics and was repulsed by everything he stood for.

Following the publication of Neely's story, numerous readers reached out to TGP with complaints that Neely's GiveSendGo campaign was unpublished as they attempted to provide donations.

Weeks went by, and his family had no idea what happened to him.

Turns out, Neely's ex-wife would shut down his account; she demanded that he "Leave now" and threatened to call the authorities on him.

Fresh out of prison, unemployed after Joe Biden's weaponized Justice Department seized his assets and confiscated his lifesaving for his "role in the Capitol riot," Neely resigned to going to the homeless shelter for the first time in his life with the prospect of sleeping on a real bed for the first time in almost four years.

At the shelter in a deep blue city in North Carolina, Neely said he was immediately ostracized for being a January 6er as he lined up for food and a bed.

"They're like, fresh out of the psychiatric ward here, with pure hatred for Trump," he said on the call from the shelter. "They want to brawl with, nonstop. I am sleeping under a bridge. I cannot get an Obama phone."

We are not sure when we will hear from Neely again as he survives on the wrong side of the tracks.

***Please help Darrell buy a phone and afford one month's rent, after Joe Biden and Kamala Harris destroyed his life, here. ***

Former criminal defense attorney of 22 years Jonathon Moseley is assisting the Biden administration's political hostages around the clock with investigations imperative to making arguments before the judges and prosecutors who have secured a 100 percent conviction rate against January 6 defendants on a jury trial. Most of the defendants don't bother going to trial and surrender in plea deals at a 90 percent rate.

The veteran legal expert also founded the Patriot's Legal Defense to assist with helping J6ers get back on their feet, and this reporter created the Stranded Patriot, a new fund to ensure he can afford a flip phone.

Moseley is also assisting J6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel, Neely's former cellmate, with his medical battle for life-saving surgery as U.S. Marshals shuttle Samsel from prison to prison, deliberately obstructing his prospects of ever getting the critical treatment.

Reporting has increasingly morphed into charity work under the Biden administration as every day Americans turn to conservative media like TGP for assistance to get the word out that falls on deaf ears to the uniparty, that gets rich on taxpayer dollars doing nothing to stop the World Health Organization's planned perpetual state of emergency for America.

For a time, doctors and nurses around the country were relying on donations from the American people to maintain their homes and families after the Biden administration revoked their medical licenses for refusing to murder Americans with remdesivir and intubators while calling it COVID death.

The Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft has fortunately spearheaded the effort to help Jan. 6 hostages. TGP and this publication's massive readership has singlehandedly helped the January 6 defendants more than any other entity, giving them a voice when the rest of the media spun the Mitt Romney and the RINO "insurrectionist" narrative, and has provided millions in small donations that they have used to retain attorneys and make ends meet as the incarcerated breadwinners of their families.

Neely, who had no criminal history before attending the Save America rally at the Capitol,  served over 3 years of pre-trial detention in the DC Gulag -- the Washington Correctional Treatment facility, where he endured being held hostage for wrongthink while serving the Covid mandates. J6ers who refused to comply back then were held in the hole for refusing to get the vaccine.

He then did a bid in the FCI McDowell, where prisoners in the understaffed facility routinely stab each other, often to the death over petty disputes and brewing racial tensions resulting in constant lockdown.

Neely was unprecedentedly sentenced to prison after being convicted of misdemeanors including Theft of Government Property; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building, Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building, Violent Entry and Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building, Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building according to the U.S. Department of Justice for peacefully walking through the Capitol building and taking a puff from a marijuana joint he was handed among the massive crowd.

***Please help Darrell buy a phone and afford one month's rent, after Joe Biden and Kamala Harris destroyed his life, here. ***

Like his former cellmate Samsel, Neely was provoked and entrapped by a suspected government plant.

Ray Epps whispered in Samsel's ear, and a woman identified by Sedition Hunters as #PinkBeret, grabbed Neely by the hand and flirtatiously provoked him into escorting her through the Capitol building.

Pink Beret directed protesters into the Capitol and personally led one Jan. 6 defendant into the Capitol Visitor Center.

Shortly after police ignited flash bombs, doused the massive crowd of Trump supporters in painful tear gas, and indiscriminately shot people in the face and head with less-than-lethal munitions during the moderately peaceful J6 protest,  #PinkBeret grabbed Neely's had and walked into the building with him.

Self-described Sedition Hunters, an international online clan of far-left, pro-government activists including members of Antifa, have devoted thousands of hours following the Capitol riot examining thousands of hours J6 footage, that members of Congress have refused to publicly disclose, to hunt down and identify demonstrators who attended the Save America rally for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Akin to the Ku Klux Klan, the insurrectionist wing of the Democrat Party, Sedition Hunters boast about building the bureau's cases against January 6 defendants "from soup to nuts."

#PinkBeret was among the crowd when approximately four hundred demonstrators pushed over flimsy bike racks surrounding the Capitol building during the moment the government refers to as the first breach of police lines near the Peace Fountain on the Capitol's west front at about 12:50 p.m.

Neely told a federal court in his criminal trial that PinkBeret lured him into the Capitol Visitor Center and tried to saddle him with a bag full of police gear she picked up off the floor.

"It is clear Pink Beret was on a mission to get to the Capitol as quickly as possible and to be one of the first to get there," Neely's attorney, Kira West, wrote in a court filing. "We know this because she ran across grass—in heels."

While the government destroyed Neely's life for misdemeanor trespassing and the FBI continues to arrest two January 6 defendants a day to date, #PinkBeret is still on the loose. She mysteriously fled the country following the riot reportedly and is reportedly living in Ukraine. Like Ray Epps, Ray Epps Jr., RedOverRedGlasses and other suspected government plants or Confidential Human Sources deployed to entrap supporters on Jan. 6, PinkBeret will likely face no repercussions for instigating everyday Americans into violating the law recently struck down by the Supreme Court.

During the Proud Boys trial, Judge Timothy Kelly unprecedentedly held sealed hearings in which prosecutors admitted the FBI embedded hundreds of Confidential Human Sources in the crowd.

J6 defendants are on an SSS list, unable to travel by air without extensive interrogation by the same TSA agents who ejected Americans from planes for refusing to comply with the Biden administration's covid 19 mandates.

The Department of Justice's interpretation of the 1512 was a misuse of law struck down by the Supreme Court.

There is no reparation for the wrongful convictions and time served for the political prisoners. And Neely now finds himself on the same Democrat plantation Black Americans have found themselves for generations, impoverished from prison to the homeless shelter for petty crimes.

***Please help Darrell buy a phone and afford one month's rent, after Joe Biden and Kamala Harris destroyed his life, here. ***

Photo of author

Alicia is an investigative journalist and multimedia reporter. Alicia's work is featured on numerous outlets including the Gateway Pundit, Project Veritas, Red Voice Media, World Net Daily, Townhall and Media Research Center, where she uncovers fraud and abuse in government, media, Big Tech, Big Pharma and public corruption. Alicia has a Bachelor of Science in Political Science from John Jay College of Criminal Justice. She served in the Correspondence Department of the George W. Bush administration and as a War Room analyst for the Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee.

You can email Alicia Powe here, and read more of Alicia Powe's articles here.

