Javier Milei Austrian Economist, Champion of Anti-Globalism

Casa Rosada (Argentina Presidency of the Nation), CC BY 2.5 AR via Wikimedia Commons

Argentina’s president, Javier Milei, is disliked by liberal globalists due to the threat he poses to their global agenda, much like Trump.

While Trump vowed to “drain the swamp,” Javier Milei wielded a chainsaw during his campaign, symbolizing his commitment to drastically reducing the size of government.

Most mainstream media label Javier Milei as either a Libertarian or a far-right extremist, a term they now apply to anyone who is less than 100% on board with every single aspect of globalism. However, Milei is also an economics professor and a supporter of the Austrian School of Economics. The Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, serves as a hub for Austrian economics. Its name originates from the Austrian heritage of the school’s early pioneers, including Carl Menger, Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, Friedrich von Wieser, and Friedrich Hayek.

Austrian economics aligns closely with conservative values. It emphasizes personal property rights, limited government intervention, free markets, low taxes, inflation, and debt, and voluntary exchange. Milei’s policies prioritize reducing government involvement, debt, and the welfare rolls while fostering entrepreneurship and protecting property rights. He rightly suggests that by cutting 70,000 government jobs, not only can government size be reduced, but also the deficit and Argentina’s debt problem can be addressed.

Regarding globalism, Austrian economists typically support free trade and international cooperation through voluntary exchange and economic interactions among nations. However, they oppose involvement in supranational organizations that impose policies on sovereign nations, citing conflicts with principles of individual liberty, national sovereignty, and limited government.

The mainstream media characterize Argentina’s Javier Mileii, America’s Donald Trump, Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, El Salvador’s Nayib Bukele, and Chile’s José Antonio Kast as the new hard right, sharing three commonalities: fierce opposition to abortion, and gay and women’s rights. However, mainstream media misrepresents their stance on gay and women’s rights. They are only against policies that grant specific groups privileges. Affirmative action, quotas, or preferences in hiring, promotion, or school acceptance based on race, gender, or orientation would be banned.

Indeed, they oppose abortion, but in Argentina, America, Brazil, El Salvador, and Chile, murder is already illegal. These men advocate for extending legal protection to unborn babies.

Interestingly, although most Austrian economists adhere to Christian or Jewish beliefs and operate within a framework of Judeo-Christian values, they oppose abortion for various reasons of economic philosophy. These reasons include principles of individual liberty and property rights, which encompass the rights of unborn individuals. The notion is that our life is your property, and no one has the right to steal it. Furthermore, Austrian economists assert that abortion disrupts incentives and undermines the essence of voluntary exchange and societal cooperation by tampering with the natural consequences of individual actions.

Given their emphasis on property rights and the consequences of individual actions, it’s not surprising that Austrian economists take a tough stance on crime. President Bukele waged war on El Salvador’s drug gangs and successfully brought down the crime rate by arresting 76,000 villains and locking them up in a specially designed prison, where the guards rule, not the cons.

While Austrians typically reject the industrial military complex as a means of expanding government size and fostering opportunities for patronage, they strongly advocate for the use of force to protect property rights. President Milei is contemplating deploying the armed forces to take on the gangs in his country. Additionally, he has relaxed regulations on the use of firearms by law enforcement officers.

Just like President Trump, who always speaks his mind, Milei recently stirred up an international controversy when he insulted Colombia and Mexico, both of which are effective narco-states. He even warned that Colombia was on the brink of becoming the next Venezuela or Cuba. He referred to Venezuela as a “prison island” full of carnage. Of course, he was correct on all counts, but in this era of enforced globalism, identifying a genuine problem and attempting to solve it is not typically encouraged.

Of course, the mainstream media are labeling Javier Milei as a threat to human rights and attempting to vilify him, just as they did with Bukele for substantially reducing crime, as they did with Trump, and with Bolsonaro, who is now facing potential arrest in Brazil over allegations of using a fake vaccine passport two years ago.

Personally, I find the Milei show nearly as entertaining as the Trump show, observing how the globalists lose their minds over anyone daring to reject their agenda. However, I genuinely fear that Milei may be assassinated.

The post Javier Milei Austrian Economist, Champion of Anti-Globalism appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
