Jen Psaki Suggests Hunter Biden Should ‘Disappear’ and ‘Stop Talking’ Amidst Father’s Tanking Poll Numbers (VIDEO)

Screenshot: Meet the Press/NBC

MSNBC propagandist Jen Psaki, former ‘circle back’ Press Secretary for Joe Biden, voiced concerns on Sunday about Hunter Biden’s public appearances and their impact on the President’s public image.

In a roundtable conversation with NBC’s Kristen Welker, Jen Psaki addressed the “surprise press conference” held by Hunter Biden last Wednesday. Welker questioned whether Hunter’s actions were beneficial or detrimental to his father, Joe Biden.

“Look, I think if you’re sitting in the White House right now, you’re like, please, Hunter Biden, we know your dad loves you. Please stop talking in public. This is not helpful to any of them for him to be out there,” she said.

“The president loves his son. That takes precedence over anything else that is appealing. I’m thinking of the woman in your focus group who talked about family. He loves his son. He loves his family. He’s worried about his mental health. But yes, the White House would like him to probably go away right now.”


Psaki’s comments came after Hunter Biden held a press conference on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, which stirred significant attention. Despite a congressional subpoena, he declared that he would only answer questions under his own rules.

This stance has raised eyebrows among Congressional Republicans, who have subpoenaed Hunter for a closed-door deposition related to allegations of influence-peddling and family corruption.

Hunter Biden said, “My father was not financially involved in my business.”

According to investigative journalist Paul Sperry, “Hunter Biden just tore up his father’s defense of corruption allegations by arguing he was not “financially” involved in his business deals — a tacit admission Joe Biden was involved in other ways, directly contradicting Joe’s blanket denials.”

On Wednesday, House Oversight Chairman James Comer announced GOP lawmakers will initiate contempt of Congress proceedings after Hunter Biden brazenly defied a lawful subpoena.

“Hunter Biden today defied lawful subpoenas and we will now initiate contempt of Congress proceedings. We will not provide special treatment because his last name is Biden. As our committees were today prepared to depose Hunter Biden, he chose to make a public statement on Capitol Hill instead where he said his father, Joe Biden was not financially involved in his family’s business dealings. Exactly how was Joe Biden involved? Evidence shows Joe Biden met with Hunter Biden’s business associates and his name was at the center of the family business strategy,” a joint statement by House Oversight Chairman and House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan said.

The Democrats are expressing concern over Joe Biden’s declining approval ratings.

Donald Trump is now leading Joe Biden in seven swing states, according to new polling from Bloomberg News/Morning Consult.

Republican voters have become skeptical of polling in recent years and for good reasons, but this is a sign that things are moving in the right direction for Trump.

Democrats and the media are clearly worried about this trend, which is why their anti-Trump rhetoric keeps getting more crazy.

The post Jen Psaki Suggests Hunter Biden Should ‘Disappear’ and ‘Stop Talking’ Amidst Father’s Tanking Poll Numbers (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
