Joe Biden Jogs to Avoid Reporters After Comer Reveals He Used Pseudonym For Ukraine Dealings (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

Joe Biden ran from the press after House Oversight Chairman James Comer once again dropped a bombshell revealing Biden Crime Family corruption.

James Comer revealed Biden used a pseudonym for Ukraine dealings.

Biden used the email address “[email protected]” while he was tasked as the point man to handle Ukraine as Vice President.

Joe Biden also used “Robin Ware” and “JRB Ware” while he was VP.

On Thursday Joe Biden literally jogged to avoid reporters as he headed to Marine One en route to Pennsylvania.

He briskly walked across the South Lawn!


Joe Biden will pay respects to former First Lady Ellen Casey at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Scranton, Pennsylvania before departing for Camp David.

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