Joe Biden’s America: Illegal Alien Families Given More Government Money than US Military Families (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Joe Biden’s America: Illegal Alien Families Given More Government Money than US Military Families (VIDEO)

Texas National Guard members are seen being overrun by illegal immigrants trying to force their way across the southern border at El Paso, Texas.
Texas National Guard members are seen being overrun by illegal immigrants trying to force their way across the southern border at El Paso, Texas. (@JennieSTaer / X screen shot)

FOX News reported on Wednesday that illegal alien families in New York City will receive more assistance than US Military families.

Carly Shimkus covered this shocking revelation this morning on FOX News.
Carley Shimkus: It’s part of a 53 million dollar program, giving the average family of four more than $1,400 per month. It’s more than the allowance for some deployed troops. Fox News Digital breaking it all down, saying, While an average military family is suffering from a deficit of $1,860 over a period of nine months, a similarly sized illegal migrant family is being given nearly seven times more. Joining us off the grid, Fox and Friends Weekend co-host Will Cain and Pete Hegset. Good morning to you guys. Will, what do you think about this? Good morning.

This comes from the latest article by Bess Blackburn.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams plans to pilot prepaid debit cards to 500 illegal migrant families who have already received a voucher to stay in select hotels for 28 days — credit cards which can be used at illegal migrants’ leisure for up to $10,000 each in taxpayer money with no ID check and no fraud control. 


Then there is the American service member — who not only obeys the rule of law but puts his or her life on the line to protect it and our way of life. How is it that in New York, illegal migrants receive better compensation than American service members do while deployed overseas?

While on the Korean Response Force, Captain Christopher Wilson wrote a letter to Congress on behalf of his soldiers. He noted that several soldiers in his company were making less while deployed than while serving stateside. He rightly called this discrepancy “unacceptable.” 

The Military Times reported that in Wilson’s company, enlisted soldiers always receive $452.56 a month in basic allowance for sustenance. While deployed, however, those soldiers suffered $399.90 in monthly meal deductions, even if they don’t use base dining halls. The only entitlement for the deployment itself which off-set this deduction was $195 a month of assignment incentive pay. 

The current system results in more than $200 lost each month for each deployed soldier and their family. While soldiers with dependents receive an additional $250 per month in family separation allowance, this does not begin to compensate for the actual additional childcare costs of one-parent households.

This means that these soldiers each received about $1,860 less cumulatively during a nine-month deployment than they would have had they not deployed over the same nine months. To add insult to injury, if inflation continues on its current trajectory, the problem will only get worse.

Pete Hegseth and Will Cain covered this story earlier today on FOX News.

Via Midnight Rider.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

