Joe Scarborough gushes over Biden making GOP look like ‘fools’ at State of the Union address – Washington Examiner

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough gushed over President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Friday and claimed the president made his Republican adversaries look like “fools.”

“It was his best speech of his presidency by far,” the host of Morning Joe said. “Strongest speech, and, most importantly, for people that were thinking, ‘Oh, he’s too old. He’s too that, man’ … he gave a lot more than he got and made these Republicans look like fools time and time again.”

Scarborough also declared he was unimpressed with the “buffoons wearing MAGA hats” who were “running around and trying to give stickers to the president” in an apparent reference to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who wore a MAGA hat and handed Biden a button with the name Laken Riley.

“All these other idiots just screaming and yelling and making fools of themselves … I just sat there thinking, ‘I know this is supposed to shock and stun the Left or the media or somebody. All it does is make them look like idiots,’” he said.

The only thing the MAGA-clad “buffoons” accomplished was helping Biden, according to Scarborough.

“They were, and they continue to be, the Washington Generals playing the Harlem Globetrotters,” he said. “That’s why the Washington Generals have lost seven seasons in a row.”

“I keep saying it here, right? There’s a reason they lost in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, and why I keep saying when people are going, ‘[incoherent mumbling].’ They’re going to lose in 2024.”


The MAGA elements of the GOP cannot win, Scarborough said.

“All you had to do was look out on that crowd last night and see how stupid the extreme elements of that party has become,” he said. “They just keep reelecting Biden and Democrats.”
