JUDICIAL ABUSE: Jan 6 Defendant Kim Sorgente Shackled and Berated in Closed Court Before Finally Being Released
This article originally appeared on JoeHoft.com and was republished with permission.

Jan 6 defendant Kim Sorgente had his day in court on Monday in Santa Clara. The actions of the court can be described as nothing short of abuse.
Kim Sorgente was scheduled to go to court in Santa Clara for charges of using a deadly weapon in an altercation with Antifa or a related group. Sorgente defended himself against an attacker with his bullhorn and was arrested for defending himself. Reportedly, no one else was charged that day.

Sorgente also was at the US Capitol on Jan 6. He witnessed Rosanne Boyland’s death. Because of this, he was charged with committing crimes at the Capitol. Sorgente was on his knees begging and crying, urging the Capitol police to stop killing Ms. Boyland, but they didn’t listen. The police cam of Sorgente’s pleas has never been released.
Sorgente was charged with CIVIL DISORDER; Civil Disorder (1) TEMPORARY RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT; Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds (2) TEMPORARY RESIDENCE OF THE PRESIDENT; Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds (3).

On Monday, Sorgente appeared in court in the morning, but the judge delayed the case and pushed it into the afternoon.
Judge Michael Murray’s wife is with the FBI. In 2022, Judge Murray was investigated on allegations of prosecutorial abuse, which was eventually dismissed in December of that year. California’s judicial watchdog agency dismissed the disciplinary proceedings against Murray.
Sorgente had a number of supporters (11) with him on Monday morning, but after the delay some had to leave. That afternoon Judge Murray addressed Sorgente’s case, but before he did so, he cleared the courtroom.
After the court was cleared, Judge Murray had the deputies surround Sorgente and “painfully” bind his hands behind his back with tight cuffs and then he proceeded to continue with the hearing while trying to convince Sorgente of the inevitability of his position as judge on this case.
Sorgente had provided support and evidence demanding that Judge Murray recuse himself from the case. This is due in large part to his wife working for the FBI. But Judge Murray wanted to stay on the case without any further opposition to his involvement. (Note that the public was not allowed in the court at this time.)
One individual who was there to support Sorgente was the famous restaurant owner of Basilico’s in Huntington Beach, Tony Roman. Roman listened in and stood by Sorgente throughout the day.
Judge Murray wanted Sorgente to ignore the law in regards to what are disqualifying factors in a judicial officer. He didn’t want his wife, a senior FBI agent, identified as a reason for bias in the case. Murray personally removed all the evidence provided by Sorgente from the official record showing Judge Murray’s conflicts of interest in the case.
Sorgente shared with me:
An unprecedented brazen cover up is taking place in these proceedings to hide the truth and I believe given his background, connections, history, and present behavior; this judge has no good intention for me and represents an existential threat to my defense.
He had me bound in court with my arms painfully restrained behind my back for over 20 minutes while he tried to convince me to drop my interest in his removal from my case.
One cannot see what I have seen and be convinced that he has good intentions.
The judge next handed his deputy bailiff the following order and proceeded to conduct the hearing without providing Sorgente time to read it (who is representing himself).
Most of this time, three deputies surrounded Sorgente and held him firm with their hands. Sorgente shared that he told the deputies that he had a shoulder injury, but he was still placed in restraints the whole time, with all supporters kicked out of the courtroom. After the conclusion of the hearing, the bailiff deputies removed the restraints and let Sorgente go.
During the hearing, Sorgente argued that it was unnecessary to raise his bail or label him a “flight risk”. He pointed out that he already had a federal ankle monitor that tracks wherever he goes and has been wearing it since 2021. Sorgente also has been out on BAIL for over two years and four months with no issues.
No one should face this abuse in a court in America. No one.