Kachelman: There is a Payday Coming for the Democratic Party. The Fear and Terror They are Bringing Upon the USA Will Return Upon Them. Their “Robespierrian Harvest” is Inevitable.
Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

The promised “hope” and the cheerleading “joy” of the Democratic Party has been exposed as subterfuge, a cunning deception devilishly designed by the “Cultural Elite.”
The “identity politics” of the Democratic Party has been unmasked as a manipulative control. When will those manipulated wake up and realize they are still enslaved by the Democratic Party?
Validating this point is the recent statement by Biden that those calling for the original Constitutional Rule of Law, are “garbage”?
This is NOT a one-time “slip.” This is a deeply held position by the Democratic Party. A one-time slip is a mistake. A repetition of that mistake is a deliberate choice!
Look at this pattern of demonizing Americans:
- HRC chastised Americans as “clingers in one hand to guns and in the other hand the Bible.” She announced that such are a basket of deplorables. And then followed-up saying such is “too kind” of a word. (Personal note: She and her husband would have done much better here and hereafter if they had clung to the Holy Scriptures instead of clinging to ungodliness.)
- HRC also condemned those daring to oppose her revolutionary principles as “irredeemable.”
- Whoopi Goldberg, ever the face, tone and tongue of the Democratic Party, announced that Hillary Clinton was right when she called supporters of Donald Trump “deplorables.”
- HRC, Harris, and a myriad of Democratic politicians and bureaucrats have sounded the alarm that those attending the Republican Party’s campaign gatherings are “Nazis,” “Fascists,” or even Adolph Hitler! President Trump’s reply is correct, “they’ve bullied you, they’ve demeaned us. They’ve demonized us and censored us.”
- Biden, true to the Democratic Party’s identity politics, has now identified any one opposing the Democratic Party as “garbage.” “Last night, Joe Biden said the quiet part out loud when he declared millions of Americans and anyone who supports President Trump as ‘garbage.’ First, it was deplorables, then Nazis, and now garbage. Believe them when they show you who they are. They coddle billionaires and elitists while demonizing millions of patriotic Americans who believe in President Trump’s solutions and his mission to Make America Great Again.”
- Vinod Khosla’s Twitter post reads: “Garbage is an understatement for MAGA extremists.”
- In his infamous “Dark Brandon” speech in Philadelphia in 2022, Biden condemned what he called the “MAGA Republicans.” He claimed, “MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people.” He called them a “clear and present danger” to the nation.
Reader, do you “see” that this not a “one-time slip of the tongue”? This exposes the real philosophy of the Elite—they think they are the ONLY “reasonable” people in the political arena. They will bully, threaten, censor, illegally imprison, and financially ruin any who refuse to bow to their dictates. This is happening. This is the reality in the current political environment of the USA.
The Democratic Party is on the path to a Contemporary dictatorship!
Yes, I know this is not “nice” to say. But it is the truth that must be said. Consider the general characteristics of a totalitarian dictatorship. These traits are:
- A single person, a group of people, a party, or a military or religious institution assume control of policies and actions of the government.
- Monopolizes political power, by legal or illegal means, and maintains it for an indeterminate length of time.
- Suppresses, reduces, or impedes citizens’ enjoyment of their civil and political rights.
- Represses opposition with the use of force and terrorist means.
- Excludes de facto the possibility of the legal repeal of the rulers by the ruled even while allowing elections to take place.
- Refuses to respect the rights of citizens; restricts freedom of speech; refuses freedom of gatherings and associations.
- Arrogantly manipulates the election of the government by the electorate.
- Refuses a free and peaceful political contest and according to legal procedures guaranteed by the constitution.
The Dictatorship’s Maneuver
How does such control occur? How does totalitarianism incite this control? How does a political organization “succeed in extinguishing individual identity permanently”? Fear is stoked and facts are ignored. Consequently, there is low voter turnout. There is pent-up energy in apathy. Arendt suggests that the desire to be more than indifferent is what totalitarian movements erase until the individual is totally “subsumed”.
Totalitarianism “demand[s] total, unrestricted, unconditional, and unalterable loyalty of the individual member…Such loyalty can be expected only from the completely isolated human being who, without any other social ties to family, friends, comrades, or even mere acquaintances, derives his sense of having a place in the world only from his belonging to a movement.”
The Redundant History Ignored
Mankind never learns from history. The Democratic Party is following the trajectory of a failed historical precedent. The Democratic Party is pushing a “revolution” that seeks to destroy the historical Rule of Law governing the United States of America. Its “revolution” is not based upon the godly principles of the American Revolution that stressed the equity of citizenship. The “revolution” of the Democratic Party is based upon the principles of the French Revolutionaries, who embraced the rule of power by the elite intellectuals and the subservience of the common man.
Consider carefully this point. In his speech (05 February 1794), Robespierre offered a justification of the “Reign of Terror.” Here are the bullet points justifying the “terror” that plagued France (reading should cause great concern):
- Only a combination of virtue (a commitment to revolutionary ideals) and terror (coercion against those who failed to commit) could ensure the salvation of the Republic.
- Those who failed this “virtue” went to the guillotine.
- There would always be a crisis of enemies seeking to subvert it, so terror would be constant.
Robespierre remarked: “Today we come to expound the principles of our internal policy…we want to substitute morality for egotism, principles (of the Elite) for customs (individual rights), the rule of reason for the tyranny of fashion (the establish law); good people (who support the Revolution) in place of good society. We wish to substitute merit (those who uphold Revolution) for intrigue (the opposition)…We must smother the internal and external enemies…the first maxim of your policy ought to be to lead…by terror…Let the despot govern his brutalized subjects by terror; he is right to do this…Subdue enemies by terror, and you will be right, as founders of the Republic.”
The bellowing of a constipated cow!
I read the comments by HRC, Whoopie Goldberg, Vinod Khosla, Pelosi, Schumer and ALL Democrats, RINOS and Bureaucratic Deep State who obfuscate the Rule of Constitutional Law, and I label them with my own “identity politics”—I identify them as the bellowing of a constipated cow!
America, this election is the MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION in our nation’s history. The nation is choosing to reject the fearmongers and follow the facts. It is a choice to embrace the Democratic Party’s “revolution” or to mandate that our nation adhere to the original principles of the Constitution of the United States.
Let the supporters and adherents of the Democratic Party learn from history… Robespierre’s impassioned defense of the “Terror” brought about the revolution he supported, but ultimately, he faced the guillotine’s blade. There is a payday coming for the Democratic Party. The fear and terror they are bringing upon the USA will return upon them. Their “Robespierrian Harvest” is inevitable.

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