Kamala Shares Her Economic Policies: Fake Promises, Reckless Expansion of the U.S. Government, and Another Theft of a Trump Idea

There was a coup on July 21, 2024, led by Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer to replace Joe Biden.  Kamala has declined to have any kind of a press conference regarding the transition of power and the spin-up of the Kamala campaign.

That was until the pressure grew, and someone in the campaign came up with the idea that Kamala interview Tim Walz.  This did not go over very well.  Tim Walz, Master Sergeant of Stolen Valor, and the Peter Griffin Family Guy the Harris Team thought they could use to poach the white male vote used the term “White Guy Tacos,” which blew up the whole faux interview.

On August 6, 2024 (a Friday), Kamala thought she would share the Harris Campaign Mojo on Economic Policy.  The crowd was sparse (there was no free concert to compel attendees), and the Harris Word Salad machine was back in form.

The vague plans that were presented showed a wandering, weaponized, and worrisome thought pattern that had one goal:  Expand Government control over American society.

The Washington Post threw up on the Kamala plan while The Atlantic, said, “The vice president’s campaign promises make no sense to people acquainted with supply and demand—but they might win elections.”  Translated, this means low-information voters and illegals will support getting more free stuff from the Government.

The U.S. Government delivers three million homes – really?

The first major element of the Kamala Plan (K-Plan) was that somehow the U.S. Government would deliver three million homes over four years.  Kamala’s Team forgot the 2008, “Cash for Klunkers” Program that spent over $20,000 processing each $2,000 check back to a qualified car purchase.  Further translated, this means that the Government was losing horrendous money on each sale.

The same government that spent almost $8B to build only eight electric vehicle charging stations is somehow going to deliver three million homes.  It is unclear how she came up with the magic number of 3 million homes.

The K-Plan for 3 million homes is vague, filled with aspirations, and panders to interest groups.  The plan focuses on “Starter Homes” and “Low-Income Rentals,” – which are code words for ensuring illegals in America receive preference over Americans.

The housing shortage in America is already caused by two U.S. Government initiatives:  Open Borders and Government overregulation.  The two factors drive home builders and those who do home repair and improvements out of the market, or at least force them to relocate to places like Texas and Florida where these small businessmen and women can thrive without the crushing oversight of state and local government in Blue States.

Barron’s says simply about the K-Plan – “Unlikely to get done.”  Even if there was some progress on the K-Plan, which seems to derive from Oprah’s “everybody gets a car” plan, most Americans would not really like what the Government delivers.  If you like World War II-style barracks – then you’ll be in luck.  If you are here in the country illegally and came from a shanty in a village of cardboard boxes, the World War II-style barracks will be a significant upgrade.

The old “Price Gouging Charge” translated:  More Government bureaucrats making bad decisions which make things worse

A tired old cliché from Blue Candidates has been trotted out again:  “Price gouging.”  This gets low-information voters riled up – but what does it really mean?  Who determines what price gouging is?

In Kamala World, this means more government bureaucracy from un-elected bureaucrats making decisions.  In New York City, this is called “Rent Control,” which sounds nice and fair – but this disincentivizes property owners from making capital investments to renew, refresh, and build.  Renters stay in their places for years, conditions of the apartments deteriorate, and the supply of available (but aging) apartments evaporates – just like in the Soviet Union – everyone stands in line forever for the rent-controlled apartment.

CNN says about the K-Plan on gouging, “Harris’ plan to stop price gouging could create more problems than it solves.”  The Low Information Voter loves the idea of some faceless bureaucrat holding the evil corporations to account.  But it’s fraud and vaporware.  Navy Secretary Del Toro reflected an analog in the Defense world where he frothed at the mouth about companies daring to make a profit.

Newsflash:  profit is a very good incentive for competition and capital investment.  Turning it into a “Greed is Good” soundbite is the Deep State vilifying entrepreneurs and advocating for the growth of Government, which is really Communism.

Kamala Team rips off another Trump proposal, this time, it’s Trump’s Child Tax Credit (Lite)

The shameless plagiarization of Trump campaign themes by the K-Team continues unabated.  First it was “No Tax on Tips” taken straight from former President Trump.  Now the K-Team culturally appropriates the Trump Child Tax Credit plan, with some important asterisks.  It appears the $6,000 credit is only for the first year of the child?  If that’s the case it is Trump’s Plan Lite and a very meager hat tip to those who decide to have a child.  The K-Plan also includes Earned Income Credit to help those who do not benefit from a child tax credit.

With the Obama-Kamala Team, all decisions have a political calculus, so there likely will be strings attached to either encourage dependence on the government or punish those who want to home-school or school outside the public school system.  The K-Team’s economic K-Plan is light on details, heavy on jaded and divisive themes, and replete with chaff and flares to conceal the rise of Communism in America.

The post Kamala Shares Her Economic Policies: Fake Promises, Reckless Expansion of the U.S. Government, and Another Theft of a Trump Idea appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
