Kamala’s Campaign Recycles the Ancient 1968 “Joy” Slogan in Her 30 Day Election Sprint | The Gateway Pundit | by John Mills

Kamala’s Campaign Recycles the Ancient 1968 “Joy” Slogan in Her 30 Day Election Sprint

Election Day may be about 90 days away, but in several states, voting begins in early to mid-September so we’re within 30 days.  Kamala’s theme is “Joy”.  Kamala’s handlers somehow pulled this out of the time machine.

One writer, Alan Steinberg, wrote on this and said, “I have yet to hear one single national political journalist, network or cable, credit Hubert Humphrey with the authorship of the concept and phrase, Politics of Joy.

The ignorance of history by our contemporary celebrity television journalists is appalling.”  Kamala follows in the footsteps of the President she removed from power and she is now an accomplished high-level plagiarist.  Corn Pop might have dumped Joe and is now helping Kamala.

With “Joy” as a framework without meaning or context, there are three other key parts of the rapidly glued together Kamala Campaign (K-Campaign) framework.  The second part is the sudden appearance of M-Pox, announced by Dr. T at the World Health Organization.

The third part of the framework is the willful and shameless manipulating of media headlines in sponsored ads.

The fourth part of the framework is the most sinister – it is “Industrial Level” Ballot Production.

The K-Campaign framework flies in the face of rational common sense, but Kamala is getting away with it so far, so why not?  As far as “Joy”, I’ve seen no explanation what that means.

If Kamala’s fans want to see real and uncontrived joy, they need to attend a Trump Rally.  That’s right, mimicking the Trump Rally Model is another smash and grab of DJT Campaign mojo.  It’s no different than Kamala shouting “No Tax on Tips” when most remember that line came from Trump.

The K-Campaign is trying to juice their audiences with fake Joy that everything is great when most are very aware the American nation is on fire and collapsing from Dem policies.

I was at the County Fair and the Democrat Booth was filled with several angry looking older White Women (and one Tiny Tim appearing personality). They obviously didn’t get the memo on “Joy”. They think Kamala is the second coming of Bella Abzug and they are about to be liberated.

The M-Pox theme is now out by our favorite NGO Villain, Dr. Tedros. “M” doesn’t stand for Monkey-Pox, it stands for Manufactured Virus.

The global elites are delivering covering fire for the K-Campaign with the Mass Psychosis Version 2.0 of the 2020 Covid scam.

If you have a neighbor or co-worker who masks up like a deranged virtue signaler, they might be the vanguard of the shock troops that will help spread the re-mask message.

The juicing of the internet stories by the K Campaign is just a slice of the effort to conduct cyber interference.  The epic “X” Spaces event between Elon and DJT was almost brought down by Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attack.  It was the 51 Intel Officer Letter on Cyber steroids.

Whenever you tell the enemy the exact time and place you will be, there will be plenty of threat actors present.  The “X” spaces event was a 30-minute cyber shoot out and the “X” Network Engineers did a Herculean job wrestling the perpetrator(s) to the ground.

This cyber war was possibly the largest ever, focused cyber offensive and defensive battle on the Internet.  With 1B views, this was a Cyber Kursk (Kursk of July/August 1943 being the largest tank battle in human history).

Who was likely in on the Cyber Election Interference Operation with “X”?:

  • China: All roads lead to China at this point in time
  • Iran: Iran has eclipsed Russia as China’s go to actor for cyber-attacks.
  • North Korea: China’s global Joker of mayhem.
  • Venezuela: The agent for China in the Americas and the home of indicted Smartmatic Founder Roger Pinata.  We can thank the Philippines for very possibly pressuring the U.S. Department of Justice for action on this – thank you!
  • The European Union: Thierry Breton, the EU Cyber Thug was sending public ultimatums to Elon to cease, desist, or censor Trump – or else.
  • The Five Eyes?: Was the UK proffering its GCHQ (their NSA equivalent) to the EU for offensive cyber to help with shutting down such events? I would say very possibly true. If this is the case, we need to end the Five Eyes arrangement.
  • Russia: they’re now behind Iran in the rank ordering of threat cyber capabilities
  • Our own DHS CISA, NSA, Cyber Command, State Department Global Engagement Center (GEC), and the FBI’s NCIJTF?: If nothing else, they likely sat by and did nothing but collect intel.

The most concerning part of K-Campaign Framework is the Industrial Level Drop Off Ballot generation.  As Jay Valentine says, “The difference between Republican and leftist ballot harvesting is leftists manufacture ballots – Republicans only chase them”.

The fix is in with millions of illegals receiving driver’s license and states showing little or any effort to compare 1993 Motor Voter Registrations against 18USC611.

An alarming and overlooked event, we have just had the largest successful hack in history with almost 3 billion Social Security Numbers stolen.  This data included at a minimum, names, SSNs, addresses, and telephone numbers, i.e. the exact information needed for voter registrations.

This story is being hyped as simply names on the darkweb when in fact this is the Holy Grail of data sets for Drop Off Ballot production.  With foreign actors, high performance-near quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and this incredible data set, generating Industrial Level Ballot Fraud is now accomplishable on a galactic scale.

Obscured by the K-Campaign four part framework there are three crimes being covered up:

  1. There has been a Presidential Coup – an unlawful transfer of Presidential power from Biden to Harris
  2. There is unlawful use of Biden Campaign funds by Harris (it took eight years to find Hillary guilty for 2016 misuse of campaign funds).
  3. Kamala as part of the RICO Deep State Conspiracy to cover up Biden’s cognitive condition

Fret not and buckle up.  Remember – DJT knocked out Biden without almost any effort.  The first debate might be the end of Kamala-Rama.  The Dem Convention might also turn into a repeat of the 1968 convention that sank the real author of the “Joy” campaign.

Be an Election Officer in your county or City and work behind the counter, counting the votes, you may very well make the difference for victory.

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COL (Ret) John Mills has significantly shaped U.S. national security policy over four decades, serving in roles from the Cold War through the era of Great Power Competition. His career includes multiple combat tours, senior civilian positions at the Department of Defense, and strategic duties with the National Security Council in two administrations. Additionally, he is associated with the Center for Security Policy, Committee on Present Danger China, and Spectrum Consulting Group, and is an adjunct professor and founder of the National Election Integrity Association.

You can email John Mills here, and read more of John Mills’s articles here.

