Ken Paxton: I Anticipate a Lot of Election Fraud – On a Massive Level – That Has Been Planned by the Federal Government – And Organized for Years (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Ken Paxton: I Anticipate a Lot of Election Fraud – On a Massive Level – That Has Been Planned by the Federal Government – And Organized for Years (VIDEO)

Texas Attorney General joins Ben Harnwell on The War Room to discuss election fraud in Texas.

Earlier today Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton joined Ben Harnwell on The War Room to discuss election integrity in Texas and the Democrat Party’s continued attempts to steal the US elections by any means necessary.

During their discussion, Ken Paxton got honest about the Democrat Party’s attempts to steal the US elections in 2020 and 2024.

AG Paxton expects Democrats will again attempt election fraud on a massive level – that has been planned by the federal government and organized for years.

Attorney General Ken Paxton: Joe Biden, on day one, announced that he wasn’t going to deport anybody. Why would you do that on day one? And clearly, he wanted to signal to the cartels, get people here, and they don’t have to run anymore. We’ll take care of them. And that’s exactly what happened. They come to Border Patrol, and then Border Patrol moves them, and they’re logistically moved to the states that they’re preferred to be in by the Biden administration. They don’t tell the states, they just move them.

And I’ve always wondered why? And, the only answer that I ever come up with is voting. And sure enough, here in Texas, we started becoming suspicious when we saw these nonprofits were out on state police property where they register people for driver’s license and people can get registered to vote under a normal process.

We were curious, why would you have nonprofits registering people when it’s done at the motor vehicles offices? They’re already giving you your driver’s license. You can automatically register. Why would you need another special nonprofit group registering people unless the people being registered outside are not qualified to be registered inside? And so that’s our suspicion. We’re still investigating, but there were definitely groups of nonprofits around the state on state property, registering people to vote.

Ben Harnwell:  It is astonishing. Attorney General Paxton, let me ask you this. If you are able to affirm your investigation and definitively conclude that this has been taking place, will you be reaching out to other States? Because as you say, the whole theory here behind the placement of illegals across the United States of America is to bolster the Democrat vote. Will you be reaching out to your opposite numbers in your opposite number in other states? No, I’m Findings

Ken Paxton:  Yes, sure. But I’m sounding the warning bells now. This is happening all over the country. My guess is this was a plan by the Obama Biden regime to bring in people to vote. Because they can’t win elections now without some of these illegal voting schemes that they put together, including mail and ballots, which they did last time. So I’m letting people know this is going on in Texas.

Don’t be surprised or shocked that it’s going to happen all over the country because that was the plan from the very beginning. So everyone should be on notice that there are plans to have illegals vote by the millions, and especially in states like Texas, Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, the places that they need to win, they’re going to get illegals to vote. We need to be on guard, and we need to do what we can right now, not after the election. If we wait like we did with mail-in ballots, so after the election, which most states did, in Texas, we did not. But in most states, they waited too long. There’s nothing that can be done after the election. It’s just almost impossible to get the courts to come in and to recognize, even if there’s been real theft to vote, actually to do something about it.

On illegal aliens and non-citizens voting–

Ken Paxton:  it’s also a crime to actually vote illegally. So we will prosecute and punish people that try to turn our elections into something other than a free and fair election. And we need to send that message out to people that want to vote like this illegally. Those nine % that plan a vote, they need to know, Hey, you can do that. You may try to do that, but you may end up in prison for it. Is that what you want to take the risk on? And if you’re helping, aiding and abetting that, some of the punishments for that are a lot greater.

Ben Harnwell:  Listening to your talk, a thought strikes me because it’s not only the Biden regime that is encouraging illegals to register to vote. You also have the NGOs, the liberal NGOs. We don’t need to name them, but everyone watching the show will know. They’re quite open about their pro-migration stance. But if they are doing this, if they are registering illegals to vote, which, as you say, in Texas is illegal and in many other states, they’re displacing people across the United States with their view to impact the general election. Seeing as this is a criminal activity taking place across state lines, I wonder — whether there are RICO implications here for some of these NGOs who are pursuing this policy?

Ken Paxton:  I think there is definitely… We should consider all options because, again, there’s nothing more important than protecting our elections and making sure that there’s no fraud, because our whole system is built on trust, that our elections are fair and that your vote actually matters. And once the Biden administration starts stealing that from us and taking that away from us, then we’ve lost… The people will lose faith in their government, and we won’t have a government governed by the people anymore. So I truly believe we should look at all options. I think when President Trump comes back into office, they had to consider every federal angle they can to eliminate and ferret out all the illegal fraud schemes that have been put together by the Democrats.

On Voter Fraud in the 2024 Election–

Ken Paxton:  I anticipate a lot unless we stop it. We can’t shut our eyes and just hope that elections are going to be like they have been. In the past, there’s always been some fraud, no doubt. But we’re talking voter fraud on a massive level that’s never been seen before in our country that has been planned by the federal government. And it has been organized for years and years and years. And it happened in the last election. And I know it happened in the last election because we stopped the mail-and-ballet fraud in my state. The very mail-in ballet fraud that happened in Georgia and Wisconsin, we stopped. And I told the President ahead of time, I think you’re going to get ballot fraud, because when you mail out ballots with no signature verification, no one has any idea who mailed those back in. And so once they send out millions of ballots, anybody can pick them up, sign them, and send them back in, and they can count mail and ballots until they get to the right number. And that’s exactly what happened.

This was a very important segment on the 2024 election. Hope you can take the time to watch this segment.

Via The War Room.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

