Law Firm Rescinds Employment Offer For NYU Bar Association President Who Defended Hamas Attacks

A New York City law firm has rescinded an employment offer for a New York University Law School student who issued a public statement in support of Hamas.

Ryna Workman, the president of the NYU Student Bar Association, issued a statement in response to the Hamas attack, explicitly placing blame on Israel and praising Hamas. Workman wrote that Israel “bears full responsibility” for the terror attacks, according to a screenshot of the statement. She also wrote that the nation created the conditions that made the “resistance necessary.” (RELATED: ‘I Am Sickened’: Former Harvard President Slams School’s Silence On Israel Attack)

— Winston & Strawn LLP (@WinstonLaw) October 10, 2023

“I will not condemn Palestinian resistance,” Workman wrote.

Winston & Straw announced on Tuesday that they were alerted of Workman’s statement, and that they were no longer extending her an employment offer.

“Today, Winston & Strawn learned that a former summer associate published certain inflammatory comments regarding Hamas’ recent terrorist attack on Israel and distributed it to the NYU Student Bar Association. These comments are profoundly in conflict with Winston & Strawn’s values as a firm. Accordingly, the Firm has rescinded the law student’s offer of employment,” the statement read.

Following the terror attack on Israel, a slew of student-led organizations issued statements defending Hamas’ actions and placing blame on Israel. The statements have elicited outrage and sparked calls for universities to denounce or punish the students involved.
