Lawless: Liberal Policies, American Blood | TRAILER OUT NOW

Crime is out of control in American cities. This was no accident — it was a choice.

In 2020, liberal politicians ushered in an era of violence, chaos, decay and despair — dreaming of a world without police. Yet the dream of our elites has become a nightmare for millions of everyday people. The Daily Caller’s new feature film, “Lawless,” debuts Oct. 26 and will expose the real cost of the “Defund the Police” movement.

Thanks to the support of our dedicated Patriots subscribers, the Daily Caller traveled to three major American cities bearing the brunt of the “Defund” movement. We spoke to people on the front lines of the movement — those trying to help, those feeling the pain and those still committed to their dangerous ideas. You can catch an exclusive first glimpse below.

Amid the chaos of the 2020 election and COVID-19 pandemic, the “Defund the Police” movement was born. Chant the slogans, wave the flags, take to the street — our elites demanded we all come together to “reimagine” the system. Well-meaning Americans were bullied into accepting a “new normal” as dozens of Democrat-controlled cities gutted their police departments.

The results were sadly predictable: a crime wave swept across the country, record numbers of police left the force and criminals went unchecked. The liberal policies these cities enacted have resulted in the loss of far too many American lives.

Facing unprecedented hostility and abuse, police officers around the country are quitting their jobs at a rate “never seen before,” according to the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP).

“I want to signal a crisis,” FOP President Patrick Yoes warned. “Our profession is dependent on the best and brightest stepping up and taking this job. And because of the actions, and because of the turmoil that has happened in the last two years, we have a crisis right now in manpower.”

Police resignations increased by 47 percent between 2019 and 2022, according to a Police Executive Research Forum survey. At the same time, the total number of sworn officers decreased by about five percent, with recruitment unable to keep up.

Crime has predictably skyrocketed. Murder and violent crime “rose sharply” in the year after the “Defund” movement began, the Council on Criminal Justice reported in a “deeply troubling” study of 34 American cities. That resulted in 1,268 more deaths in 2020 than the year before — 1,268 lives needlessly sacrificed on the altar of anti-cop ideology.

We have already revealed the toll this has taken on Austin, Texas — a city on the cutting edge of the “Defund” movement. (RELATED: Will The Police Even Answer The Phone?: ‘Defund’ Investigation Finds Austin Citizens In Distress)

“We are not a city that can handle parallel critical incidents,” said Matt Mackowiak, the co-founder of Save Austin Now, a PAC dedicated to restoring public safety and quality of life in Austin, Texas. “If we get to a situation where we have a serious bank robbery in North Austin, and something happening at [Austin City Limits Music Festival] at the same time, we will not have enough police officers to respond to both incidents.”

But the problem is bigger than just Austin. In fact, it’s not even confined to America’s major cities — rural communities are not immune either. Nearly 40 small towns have disbanded their police departments since 2019, according to a study from Rice University. Struggling with recruitment, retention and pay, rural communities face a unique set of difficulties, according to Sgt. Betsy Smith of the National Police Association.

“As a small-town police officer, there’s a really good chance you don’t have any backup,” Smith told Fox News. “You’re kind of on your own, left to take care of yourself and figure things out yourself. So, we have to think about what we are willing to pay for as the citizens of those small communities.” Without better funding, response times will continue to increase.

Through our investigation, we were able to paint a picture of the impending crisis yet to unfold. The “Defund” movement is still fairly recent, and its effects are just beginning to be seen. But its proponents have entrenched themselves in the system and are settled in for the long haul. They are determined to abolish the police altogether.

Soon, cities and towns across America won’t just face a choice between maintaining a police presence at major events and responding to everyday crime. If the trend continues, departments will no longer have the capacity to respond to crime at all. Liberal elites will always be fine in their gated communities, but in a time of crisis, this could mean life or death for vulnerable communities. A new generation of Americans will grow up wondering, “If I call 911, will anyone even answer?”

With the help of our Patriots subscribers, we have uncovered just how much worse things can get as a result of this depraved movement. Yet we continue to strive to empower Americans with the facts and foresight they need to resist the madness.

The Daily Caller’s documentary productions are made possible by our faithful Patriots members, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without them. To stream “Lawless” on Oct. 26 and get the best political analysis in the business, please consider subscribing.
