LEAKED VIDEO: CEO of IBM Admits to Using Coercion to Fire People and Take Away Their Bonuses Unless They Discriminate in the Hiring Process | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

LEAKED VIDEO: CEO of IBM Admits to Using Coercion to Fire People and Take Away Their Bonuses Unless They Discriminate in the Hiring Process

O’Keefe Media Group on Monday evening released a leaked video of IBM CEO Arvind Krishna admitting to using coercion to fire people and take away their bonuses unless they discriminate in the hiring process.

“You got to move both forward by a percentage that leads to a plus on your bonus,” Krishna said about hiring Hispanics, “and by the way if you lose, you lose part of your bonus.”

James O’Keege pointed out that after pulling ads from X for ‘racism,’ IBM chief Arvind Krishna says he will fire, demote or strip bonuses from execs who don’t hire enough blacks, Hispanics — or hire too many Asians.

“Asians are not an underrepresented minority in tech in America…I’m not going to finess this, for blacks we should try to get towards 13 percent,” says Krishna.


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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

You can email Cristina Laila here, and read more of Cristina Laila’s articles here.

