“Let My People Go” Documentary – A Film by Professor David Clements – Hit With Massive Cyber Attack During Launch of Film | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

“Let My People Go” Documentary – A Film by Professor David Clements – Hit With Massive Cyber Attack During Launch of Film

Guest post by Joe Hoft, republished with permission.

The “Let My People Go” documentary was the victim of a massive cyber attack during the launch of the film on Friday.

The documentary “Let My People Go” is truly the movie the Deep State wants to be seen.

Shortly after launch of the film on Friday, the technical team behind the film’s website stated that their “monitoring systems detected a sudden and significant increase in traffic to the FrankSpeech website.

Upon further investigation, it was determined that the traffic was malicious and part of a massive DDoS attack (distributed denial-of-service attack).

The attack targeted system servers, overwhelming them with requests during the movie’s launch. The technical team worked with the CDN (Content Delivery Network) Provider to mitigate the attack and restore access to the website as soon as possible. The website was fully operational again within 30-45 minutes.

In addition, many customers noted that Google was designating emails with links to the movie’s website LetMyPeopleGo.Movie as “spam.” As a result, verifications and sharing the film potentially became buried in tens of thousands of emails.

The film’s debut also coincided with the curious timing of a massive verdict against America’s mayor, Rudy Giuliani.

It appears there is an all out blitz to chill anyone’s efforts to get the word out on a documentary that dares to take on the rigged election machines and software.

** Please go to LetMyPeopleGo.movie and sign up to watch the movie using promo code “JoeHoft.”

A massive discount is also provided to those who purchase a DVD or BluRay video.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

