Liberal Ford Foundation to stop funding Palestinian terror-tied group: ‘Years of warnings’

Liberal Ford Foundation to stop funding Palestinian terror-tied group: ‘Years of warnings’

October 31, 2023 11:25 AM

EXCLUSIVE The Ford Foundation, one of the largest and most influential liberal grantmakers in the United States, is cutting ties with a “progressive” Arizona charity revealed through a Washington Examiner investigation to share Palestinian terror ties.

New Venture Fund and Windward Fund, two charities managed by the Democratic-linked dark money consultancy Arabella Advisors, announced this week they will not be donating anymore to Alliance for Global Justice, a nonprofit organization that has faced congressional scrutiny and legal pressure for its ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terror group. Now, the Ford Foundation, which reported a staggering $20 billion in assets on its most recent tax forms, is doing the same.


“Ford has no plans to support any Alliance for Global Justice projects in the future and it is not eligible for any other funding,” Amanda Simon, a spokeswoman for the Ford Foundation, told the Washington Examiner.

She added, “We will not be funding them in the future.” The private foundation was created in 1936 by Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford and his son, Edsel Ford. It directed $54,000 combined between 2019 and 2021 to the Alliance for Global Justice, according to financial disclosures. A portion of the grants were for a project under the Arizona group called AdAstra Collective.

The revelation comes as various organizations, including an LLC called Arnold Ventures funded by ex-Enron executive and retired hedge fund manager John Arnold and his wife, former Cobalt International Energy lawyer Laura Arnold, seek to distance themselves from Alliance for Global Justice following the deadly Hamas terrorist attacks in early October against the Jewish state of Israel. PayPal, Stripe, Salsa Labs, and Deluxe have all stopped processing payments in 2023 for Alliance for Global Justice — which has crippled the group’s fundraising operation.

Through fiscal sponsorship, Alliance for Global Justice provides services such as donation processing, HR, payroll, and health insurance for anti-Israel initiatives, including Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, an Israeli-designated terrorist group that has shared staffers with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Samidoun has continued to host pro-Hamas rallies across the world in recent weeks and was banned by Germany’s government recently after its activists were found to be handing out candy to Berlin protesters to celebrate terrorism.

Over 1,400 Israelis have been killed in connection to the conflict since Oct. 7. The death toll for U.S. citizens reached at least 33 last week. Hamas claims over 8,000 are dead in Gaza, though national security experts and the U.S. government have scrutinized data coming from the terrorist group’s Health Ministry as unreliable.

APTOPIX Israel Palestinians New York
Protesters shout slogans as they cross Brooklyn Bridge during a Pro-Palestine demonstration demanding the ceasefire on Saturday, Oct. 28, 2023, in New York.

Andres Kudacki/AP

“For years left-wing institutions like the Ford Foundation were warned that the radical Left was a hateful, divisive, and destructive movement,” Parker Thayer, an investigative researcher for the conservative Capital Research Center think tank, told the Washington Examiner. “Despite these warnings, they continued to fund radical organizations that supported terror-allied ‘activist groups’ at home and abroad.”

Alliance for Global Justice was also accused in an IRS complaint in January of providing “material support” to terrorism by fundraising for the France-based Collectif Palestine Vaincra, a partner of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Collectif Palestine Vaincra is a member of Samidoun’s coalition, according to its website.

Meanwhile, Alliance for Global Justice sponsors the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, a group accused of terror ties that the Democratic fundraising giant ActBlue recently booted off its platform. It also sponsored the infamous boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement against Israel and Lajee Center, whose leader has posted videos online seemingly depicting Palestinian civilians violently clashing with the Israeli military, the Washington Examiner reported.

Alliance for Global Justice has claimed in the past to sponsor 130 projects, but its website page to view the initiatives now directs to a “404 error,” making it unclear where this number stands.

APTOPIX Israel Palestinians
Fire and smoke rises following an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City on Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023.

(Fatima Shbair/AP)

Thayer added, “The Ford Foundation deserves less than zero credit for at long last cutting ties with Alliance for Global Justice despite years of warnings.” Discover card dropped Alliance for Global Justice in 2021, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

The Ford Foundation has come under fire over the years from the Israeli watchdog group NGO Monitor for funding anti-Israel causes and groups, including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. It has also given tens of millions of dollars to the Tides Center, a top liberal funder that fiscally sponsors various groups sympathetic to Hamas, according to tax forms and the Daily Caller.


“October was a wake-up call that exposed how money going into Palestinian causes, no matter how well-intentioned, potentially does fund terror,” ex-Trump national security adviser Victoria Coates, now vice president for the Heritage Foundation’s national security and foreign policy institute, said recently upon Arnold Ventures vowing to not donate moving forward to Alliance for Global Justice.

Alliance for Global Justice did not return a request for comment.
