Liberal Media Scream: CNN’s Hunt says no room for ‘happy and sunny’ in GOP

Liberal Media Scream: CNN’s Hunt says no room for ‘happy and sunny’ in GOP

November 13, 2023 01:59 PM

For this week’s Liberal Media Scream we feature the latest CNN absurdity, a blanket declaration that there is no place for happiness in the Republican Party.

The claim came today from CNN’s Kasie Hunt who was giving her early morning assessment on South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott’s decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race, joining former Vice President Mike Pence on the sidelines.


“There’s just no appetite in the Republican base right now for someone who’s happy and sunny,” she said, citing her election night sources.

Of course, many pollsters would suggest that there is just no appetite in the Republican base for anybody other than former President Donald Trump, and GOP voters seem to be pretty happy with that.

Kasie Hunt, CNN’s chief national affairs analyst, on Monday’s CNN This Morning:

“The noteworthy thing to me about this, I mean, look I think it was pretty clear that Tim Scott’s campaign never took off the way, frankly, a lot of people in Washington thought that it might. He had, you know, all the ingredients to be really successful in the traditional Republican party. He had a lot of backing. Honestly, he wasn’t public about it, but a lot of the people who have been working against Donald Trump for more traditional candidates like Mitt Romney were working on his operation trying to figure out how they could make that happen.


“But, when I talked to sources, and I did a lot of this on election night last week, they keep saying to me that there’s just no appetite in the Republican base right now for someone who’s happy and sunny. They’re angry. The base is angry. And that’s a big part of why Donald Trump has had such a durable lead in this race because he campaigns in a much different way. Tim Scott tried to be the kind of ‘Morning in America’ Republican candidate, and it’s just not what people are into. So, you know, it does make sense. He saw the writing on the wall, especially about the fourth debate, and here we are.”

Brent Baker, vice president of research and publications for the Media Research Center, explains our weekly pick: “None of the GOP presidential candidates are coming close to Trump, so why the particular argument Tim Scott failed because he’s a ‘happy warrior’ and the electorate is motivated by anger? Trump fans would contend his rallies are peppered with funny lines and upbeat messaging about the basis for his movement, Make America Great Again, which in itself is a happy and aspirational quest for a return to the best of America.”

Rating: FOUR out of FIVE SCREAMS.
