LIVE FROM THE DC GULAG: FBI Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin Hosts Live ‘Twitter-Space’ With The Framed Proud Boys At 7PM Before Transfer To Maximum Security, Gag Order | The Gateway Pundit | by Alicia Powe

LIVE FROM THE DC GULAG: FBI Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin Hosts Live ‘Twitter-Space’ With The Framed Proud Boys At 7PM Before Transfer To Maximum Security, Gag Order

J6 political prisoners Henry Enrique Tarrio, Ethan Nordean, Joseph Biggs, Zachary Rehl, and Dominic Pezzola are slated to join FBI whistleblower Kyle Seraphin on a ‘Twitter Space’ on Sunday at 7 pm est.

The broadcast from the DC gulag comes days after a federal judge handed the former leaders of the Proud Boys the highest prison sentences of any J6er to date for committing non-violent, misdemeanor offenses during the Capitol riot. 

US District Judge Timothy Kelly sentenced Tarrio to 22 years in prison on Sept. 5 for “his role in the Capitol riot,” Nordean 18 years, decorated veteran Biggs 17 years, Marine Corps. veteran Rehl 15 years, and Marine Corps veteran Pezzola 10 years.

Tarrio was not in Washington, DC on January 6, 2021.

The former national chairman of the Proud Boys, congressional candidate, and Florida state director of Latinos for Trump warns the FBI coerced him “to lie about Donald Trump” to secure a “seditious conspiracy” conviction against the former president in exchange for his freedom.

During the Capitol riot, Biggs, Nordean, Rhel, and Pezzola dodged the bullets, flash grenades, and tear gas police indiscriminately fired into the crowd while the protest was still moderately peaceful.

In distress amid the blitz, Pezzola grabbed a police shied he found on the ground for protection and in a moment of rage banged the police shield into an already broken window pane of the Capitol building. Pezzola then walked through the building for less than 20 minutes, exited the building, returned the shield to an officer and left the Capitol grounds.

The doors of the Capitol building were open as Biggs, Nordean, and Rhel entered the suddenly forbidden grounds Americans mistook “The People’s House.” The leaders of the Proud Boys then walked through the building for less than 20 minutes, took selfies, exited the building and left the Capitol grounds.

Pezzola joined the Proud Boys 30 days prior to January 6 and met his co-defendants for the first time during the Proud Boys leadership “seditious conspiracy” trial. Pezzola’s attorneys contend the government only added their client to the leadership trial to “muck” the other defendants with more serious offenses.


For walking through the building for a few minutes, and for “wrong think” (even if you were not in Washington, DC, Judge Kelly and the Biden administration are making an example out of the organization they deem is comprised of “Trump’s foot soldiers.”

If unable to win an appeal that has already been filed to the Supreme Court, Tarrio, Nordean, Biggs, Rhel, and Pezzola may spend decades of their lives in prison for being on the frontline against the government-sanctioned fascistic Antifa organization. 


“Recovering FBI agent” and Air Force veteran Kyle Seraphin warns the Biden administration’s weaponization of the judicial system is a strategy from Adolph Hitler’s playbook. 

Under the Third Reich, the Nazi regime issued what was called the first letter to judges and several other directives to federal judges inside of Germany, directing them that, their primary function was to mete out punishments on behalf of the state and to discourage people from acting against the state,” the former FBI agent, who worked with the bureau from 2016 to 2023, told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview.

“They were not interested in justice. They were interested in being a wet weaponized wing of the state. What we’ve seen with January 6, is the beginning of that weaponization, the pointed and unjust use of what should be a political entity that is working for one political party, and it is meeting out its will against those who are dissidents against that.”

Trending “Twitter spaces” or “X-spaces” are now the rare real-time medium pivotal amid unprecedented censorship akin to fireside chats during World War II.

“Twitter spaces are so important right now. Despite the fact that there’s something very nauseating about having to use social media, it is a direct and unfiltered line between first-person sources and primary sources,” Seraphin noted. “For people who are the receivers of that information, there’s no editor, there is no filter, it is live in real-time and it happens in a place where the primary consumer of the news can interact with the person who is actually reporting that news — and that’s unlike any other source at our disposal.

“It’s a combination of a call-in show for radio, but it’s also man-on-the-street reporting. When you put those together, it’s a powerful medium, even for many of us who grew up without social media. It’s not our favorite thing to do, but it turns out to actually have a lot of impact when you successfully.” 

Political prisoner Jake Lang, who saved Phill Anderson’s life on January 6 and attempted to save Roseanne Boyland while police beat her dead, will also be featured in tonight’s Twitter space.

As TGP reported, DOJ prosecutors notified Lang on Saturday that he will be incarcerated in the DC gulag indefinitely, without trial, until his case is adjudicated in the Supreme Court.

Army veteran and former hip hop executive Dom Lucre, who amasses millions of views on Twitter, will co-host the transmission with Seraphin, this reporter and the Proud Boys.

A day after Tarrio sounded the alarm on the government’s attempt to bribe him into lying and taking a plea deal — blame the “seditious conspiracy” on President Trump, he and his co-defendants were removed from their cell and held in the bottom of the jail for hours.

The Oath Keepers were moved to the hole of the DC gulag where they were housed for over a month after they were found guilty of the sedition charges. But Tarrio’s revelation about the DOJ’s attempt to frame Trump is evidently expediting the prison transfer.

Tarrio, Nordean, Biggs, Rehl, and Pezzola are now maximizing their opportunity to finally speak out and detail the federal entrapment during the last few days of their incarceration in the Washington DC Central Correctional Facility. They are slated to be transferred randomly this week to a maximum security prison where communications are limited by the Department of Justice.


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Alicia is an investigative journalist and multimedia reporter. Alicia’s work is featured on numerous outlets including the Gateway Pundit, Project Veritas, Red Voice Media, World Net Daily, Townhall and Media Research Center, where she uncovers fraud and abuse in government, media, Big Tech, Big Pharma and public corruption. Alicia also serves as Communications Director with the National Constitutional Law Union, an organization committed to legal defense of J6 political prisoners. Alicia has a Bachelor of Science in Political Science from John Jay College of Criminal Justice. She served in the Correspondence Department of the George W. Bush administration and as a War Room analyst for the Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee.

You can email Alicia Powe here, and read more of Alicia Powe’s articles here.

