LIVE STREAM VIDEO: President Trump and Kamala Harris Square Off in First Presidential Debate in Philadephia, PA – Start Time 9 PM Eastern | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

LIVE STREAM VIDEO: President Trump and Kamala Harris Square Off in First Presidential Debate in Philadephia, PA – Start Time 9 PM Eastern

President Donald Trump and VP Kamala Harris will square off in their first presidential debate in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

President Donald Trump and Kamala Harris will face off in their first presidential debate in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Tuesday night starting at 9 PM Eastern on ABC.

Liberal reporters David Muir and Linsey Davis will moderate the debate on Tuesday night.

Leftist outlet ABC News’s coverage for Kamala Harris has been 100% positive.
Leftist outlet ABC News’s coverage for Donald Trump has been 93% negative.

So you know what to expect tonight.

In other words, President Trump will be facing more of the same.

So far this year President Trump is one for one in knocking his opponent out of the race.
Let’s see if he can get another scalp tonight!

Here is the Live Stream Video from Rumble.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

