Louisiana Senate Unanimously Passes Bill to Block Control of UN, WHO, and WEF in the State | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Louisiana Senate Unanimously Passes Bill to Block Control of UN, WHO, and WEF in the State

The Louisiana State Senate has passed a senate bill with a unanimous vote. This bill is a bold declaration of state sovereignty, setting the stage for a legal barricade against the overreach of globalist organizations: the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Senate Bill 133, co-authored by Republican state Sens. Valarie Hodges and Thomas A. Pressly, as well as state Rep. Kathy Edmonston, aims to ensure that these international bodies have no jurisdiction or authority within the state’s boundaries.

“The World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall have no jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana. No rule, regulation, fee, tax, policy, or mandate of any kind of the World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall be enforced or implemented by the state of Louisiana or any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity of the state, parish, municipality, or any other political entity,” the bill stated.

The proposed legislation is a response to what some state legislators view as overreach by these organizations into American sovereignty and personal freedoms.

Sen. Hodges, representing District 13, spoke to Blaze News about the bill, stating, “We have watched a horror story unfold in front of us as time has shown that the ‘recommendations’ and coercive regulations from outside organizations such as the WHO have harmed hundreds of thousands of Americans.”

The senator cited concerns about vaccine safety and the influence of international organizations on domestic policy as key drivers for the legislation.

The bill, which still needs to pass in the Republican-controlled Louisiana House, has been crafted to block the implementation or enforcement of any rules, regulations, taxes, policies, or mandates from the UN, WHO, and WEF.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the World Health Organization proposed a “Global Pandemic Treaty” which includes a provision for a mandatory, universal digital passport and ID system.

The WHO would also be granted sole authority over what constitutes a pandemic. And, as we have seen over the past two years, just about anything qualifies as an ‘existential threat to public health’ including, but not limited to: misinformation, parents protesting at school boards, free speech, and – of course – racism. The fact that the WHO is on the cusp of unrestricted authority to decide these measures should terrify every American.

What’s more, the changes also include plans for a mandatory and universal vaccine passport system that’s overseen by the WHO. In fact, the globalist organization has already contracted a German-based company, called ‘T-Systems’, to develop the technology.

The U.S. government is leading all nations into a global beast system that would require compliance with digital health tyranny enforced by U.N. World Health Organization.

As reported by Leo Hohmann, the Biden regime was pushing an amendment to the international health regulations administered by the U.N. World Health Organization that would have given the WHO the power to dictate U.S. policy whenever there is a declared “public health emergency of international concern.”

Even a public health emergency of “regional concern” would have triggered the WHO’s authority to step in and enforce rules on mask-wearing, social distancing and lockdowns. Even vaccines, of which Big Pharma always has a new one at the ready, could be mandated by the United Nations agency headed by the corrupt Ethiopian communist Dr. Tedros.

As Joe Hoft writes for The Gateway Pundit, the amended agreement would prevent Americans from doing anything that the United Nations world government apparatus didn’t want to be done “and would in essence take away all rights of Americans in an emergency like COVID.”

Thanks at least in part to the efforts of conservative news outlets like this one, the Biden regime’s push for a new level of global governance was defeated last year at the World Health Assembly in Geneva when a bloc of mostly African nations balked and walked.

But now the Biden regime is back at it, as Hoft reminds us, “pushing for this insane action to destroy Americans’ rights once and for all.”

The Biden regime publicly affirmed their commitment to a “legally-binding” Pandemic Accord in a press release in February which will give the World Health Organization (WHO) control over U.S. pandemic policies, though work remains in certain areas.

They are calling it an “accord” instead of a treaty in an effort to bypass U.S. Senate approval. Yes, the Biden regime is attempting to unilaterally hand over U.S. sovereignty to the United Nations World Health Organization while pushing other nations to do the same.

Former Minnesota US Representative and current Head of the School of Government at Regent University Michele Bachmann is concerned about the globalists whose arrogance leads them to deny God-given individual rights.

In an interview with Joe Hoft last year, Bachmann said:

People sense that there is something seriously, drastically wrong and that something is that you and I and people across the world are losing their freedom and their authority to make decisions…What we are seeing is that our choices are being taken away from us. As a matter of fact, we are being punished for choices.  We are being censored for choices.

We may not have the freedoms in the very near future that we enjoyed just even 5 years ago and 10 years ago.  We’re seeing that not only in the United States but we’re seeing that globally in countries across the world…Today there is a threat of global domination.  It seems to come from global institutions but also from people who have more wealth than people who have ever seen before in the history of man.


They’re planning on another pandemic right around the corner.  Of course, the pandemic is just a pretext for control.

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Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hᴏft here, and read more of Jim Hᴏft’s articles here.

