Maine secretary of state ordered to delay Trump ballot decision until after Colorado ruling by Supreme Court

A Maine judge told Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows to wait to decide whether to remove former President Donald Trump from the ballot until after the Supreme Court decided on a similar case from Colorado.

Hearing Trump’s appeal to the Maine Democratic secretary of state’s decision to remove him from the ballot, Superior Court Justice Michaela Murphy delayed the situation until after the Supreme Court ruled on whether it was constitutional to remove Trump from the Colorado ballot, the first state to move to remove the former president under the 14th Amendment.

“Put simply, the United States Supreme Court’s acceptance of the Colorado case changes everything about the order in which these issues should be decided, and by which court,” Murphy wrote. “And while it is impossible to know what the Supreme Court will decide, hopefully it will at least clarify what role, if any, state decision-makers, including secretaries of state and state judicial officers, play in adjudicating claims of disqualification brought under Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.”

The Supreme Court is set to hear the Colorado case on Feb. 8.


In their appeal to Bellows’s decision, Trump’s attorneys alleged she is a “biased decisionmaker who should have recused herself,” and they said she “made multiple errors of law … act[ing] in an arbitrary and capricious manner.”

Several other states are hearing similar 14th Amendment cases, all of which will likely be decided by the Supreme Court’s ruling in February.
