Major Publisher Drops Plans for Biden Presidency Book | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

Major Publisher Drops Plans for Biden Presidency Book

This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

Politicians, especially those who have been gifted by voters with the right to occupy the Oval Office for a term or two, often make huge sums afterward with books.

The online site Brooksy, for example, now lists the “10 best books on President Obama.” Not the 10 books on his presidency … the 10 BEST books.

Joe Biden’s legacy, however, is moving another direction, after a major publisher abruptly canceled its plans for a book about his term in office.

A report at Politico notes in a “further reflection of the soft market for books about President Joe Biden, publisher Simon and Schuster has withdrawn its contract with Alex Thompson, Axios’ national political correspondent, for a book about the Biden administration.”

The project was supposed to be published early this year, and likely would have been a benefit to Biden’s attempt to gain control of the White House for another four years.

Plans were for it to be “a comprehensive book on Biden’s presidency.”

The report explained, “Simon and Schuster’s decision comes as a series of Biden books have sold relatively poorly — compared, at least, to the standards set by a number of best-sellers about predecessor DONALD TRUMP. Thompson is now actively engaged in talks with other publishers and is still working on the draft, according to a person close to him.”

It continued, “GABRIEL DEBENEDETTI’s ‘The Long Alliance’ has sold around 1,500 hardcover copies, according to NPD BookScan, while CHRIS WHIPPLE’s ‘The Fight of His Life’ has sold around 5,000 and FRANKLIN FOER‘s ‘The Last Politician’ around 12,000. That compares to the nearly 1 million copies that MICHAEL WOLFF’s Trump-focused ‘Fire and Fury’ sold, also per NPD BookScan, and the more than 400,000 copies sold of BOB WOODWARD and ROBERT COSTA’s ‘Peril.’”

A report at the Post Millennial cited the “lack of market interest” in a Biden book.

“People don’t buy Biden books,” the report explained.

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