‘Make Yourself Winners’: Donald Trump Promises Libertarians In Cabinet If Third-Party Supports Him

Presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump promised the Libertarian Party on Saturday evening he would appoint officials from their political party to positions in his administration if he is elected with the help of their vote.

Trump attended the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, D.C. where he delivered an address courting third-party voters. The former president encouraged Libertarians to not “risk” the reelection of President Joe Biden by voting for Trump instead.

“Nominate me or vote. Vote for me. Because the Libertarians want to vote for me and most of them will, and it’s very important. Because we have to get rid of the worst president in history, and together we will,” Trump said of Biden. “And without it, there’s a risk that we could have four more years we won’t have a country left.”

“So, what is the purpose of the Libertarian Party getting three percent?” the Republican candidate asked. “What is the reason to take a chance of having this horrible president destroy our country, which he will do in far less than four years. It’s not gonna take four years.”

“That is why I’m committing to you tonight that I will put a Libertarian in my cabinet and also Libertarians in senior posts,” Trump said as the crowd erupted.

“That’s pretty good. That’s pretty big,” he remarked. “Or you can keep going the way you have for the last long decades and get your three percent and meet again, get another three percent. No, you want to make yourself winners. It’s time to be winners. You have a lot of common sense. It’s time to be winners.”

Trump’s presence at the event drew mixed reactions among attendees. As the Trump spoke, a divided crowd was heard cheering and booing the Republican candidate. Additionally, one Libertarian group attempted to remove Trump and Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who addressed the gathering Friday, from the convention’s agenda, resulting in physical altercations and vulgar shouting matches, Politico reported. (RELATED: ‘Let’s Make Some News Tonight!’: Trump Drops Hint To Reporter About His Running Mate)

“We are grateful and we remain cautiously optimistic,” Libertarian National Convention Chair Angela McArdle, responding to Trump’s promise to appoint Libertarians, told The Daily Caller.

Trump also vowed to commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, the “Silk Road” website founder who was sentenced to two life terms plus 40 years in prison. Ulbricht’s website was used for various illegal transactions, including the sale of narcotics, hacking services and false IDs, according to a 2015 Justice Department press release. Trump said Ulbricht “already served 11 years” and that he would “get him home,” which resulted in an enthusiastic reaction from the audience.

The Daily Caller reached out to the Libertarian Party for comment.
