Man Allegedly Steals Police Vehicle After Altercation With Cop

A 34-year-old man was arrested Tuesday by Rhode Island police after allegedly getting into an altercation with a cop and stealing a police cruiser, NBC 10 News reported.

According to the police report, the officer was alerted to the suspect’s driving when Ishmael Lee allegedly struck a pedestrian with his vehicle, WPRI reported. Police say one of their officers pulled over Lee for driving recklessly only for Lee to flee the escape and during a tussle with the officer a gun dropped from his satchel, NBC 10 News reported.(RELATED: Rhode Island Court Released Illegal Immigrant Arrested For Child Molestation Despite Detainer, ICE Says)

During the pursuit, Lee managed to steal a police cruiser and drive it down about five blocks before ditching the car, NBC 10 News reported. Lee’s luck ended when he was apprehended by police and charged with possession of a firearm, stolen auto, obstruction, simple assault, resisting arrest, and reckless driving, the outlet noted.

Police claimed in court Wednesday that they do have video that shows the suspect absconding with the police cruiser, NBC 10 News reported. The judge observed that the suspect violated probation from a different case back in 2023 and set bail at $20,000, the outlet reported. The judge entered no pleas to seven counts from the defendant, the outlet noted.

A no contest plea means that the defendant agrees that the facts of the case may be true but that they are not guilty of the crimes alleged, according to Toland Law LLC. “No contest pleas are often used as part of a plea bargain or in cases where the victim is likely to file a civil suit,” the law firm states.

Lee is due back in court on Aug. 21, according to NBC 10 News.
