Manure Dumped in Front of Pelosi’s San Francisco House as Leftists Torment Former Speaker at Home and in DC Over Support for Israel | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor

Manure Dumped in Front of Pelosi’s San Francisco House as Leftists Torment Former Speaker at Home and in DC Over Support for Israel

Former Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is being tormented by leftist protesters at her San Francisco home and and on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. over her support for Israel in its defensive war on Hamas in Gaza.

This past week a load of manure was dumped in front of Pelosi’s home and two Code Pink activists were charged over a protest that damaged Pelosi’s garage door as well as the street and sidewalk in front of the house with red paint. Code Pink has protested Pelosi at her home for over a decade, but the pressure tactics by the left have been ratcheted up since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, 2023.

Meanwhile in Washington, Code Pink co-founder Susan “Medea” Benjamin, harangued Pelosi as she walked though the halls of Congress in video posted February 6.

Photo of the manure dump posted by leftist activist Ariel Koren:

Video of the manure dump at Pelosi’s home on Thursday:

More photos:

Last weekend Code Pink dumped red paint on the street and sidewalk in front of Pelosi’s home:

The San Francisco Standard reported two Code Pink activists were charged (excerpt):

An activist affiliated with the anti-war group Code Pink is facing felony charges for causing damage around Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco residence during a Feb. 11 demonstration.

The charges include two counts of felony vandalism, according to a complaint filed with San Francisco Superior Court this week.

The activist, Heather Phipps, is accused of damaging Pelosi’s garage door along with city streets and sidewalks outside the Pacific Heights home she shares with her husband, Paul Pelosi. A spokesperson for the Department of Public Works said it incurred $5,648 in cleanup costs, largely involving paint on the sidewalk, roadway and street trees. Phipps is set to be arraigned on March 12.

A second protester, Cynthia Papermaster, is facing a misdemeanor vandalism charge for leaving handprints on Pelosi’s garage but has yet to be arraigned, according to a Code Pink spokesperson.

Last October 29, around the one-year anniversary of the hammer attack on Pelosi’s husband, Paul, by a crazed illegal alien from Canada looking to kidnap Nancy, Code Pink confronted Nancy outside her home and posted video of her angry reaction accusing them of being foreign agents:

Code Pink posted their goal was to hold Pelosi “hostage” while they confronted her in her driveway:

We knew there wasn’t a lot of time, Pelosi could exit her home at any moment. A quick plan of peaceful resistance was discretely plotted out. When a black SUV started backing into Pelosi’s driveway, we knew that she would be exiting her home soon. We approached the large SUV, a few on either side of the vehicle, and Lydie and I agreed that we would cautiously lay our bodies down in front of the SUV, once Pelosi approached the vehicle. But we both agreed that we would only do so after making direct eye contact with the driver to maximize safety. Our purpose: To briefly hold Pelosi “hostage” while peacefully and vehemently expressing our strong opposition to Israel’s aggressive criminal campaign of extermination in Gaza, shamefully supported by most of our Congress and President Biden.

After we laid down on the pavement just inches from the front of the vehicle, it took about 10 minutes before the SF police officer present could successfully respond, call in for back up and ultimately remove us from the pavement. In that time, CODEPINK activists Susan Witka and Cynthia Papermaster had an extended time to express their outrage with Nancy and point out that the vast majority of Democrats want an immediate ceasefire. Before entering the SUV, dressed with a very large SF 49ers football team scarf draped over her shoulders and chest, Pelosi took a brief pause to point her finger directly at Susan and angrily utter false accusations at us about being Russian and Chinese supporters. This was the most interaction we’ve had from her for the past week. The entire exchange felt very surreal and incongruous, as we thought about the scope of extreme violence being waged against the people of Gaza, while Pelosi trotted off to a 49ers football game.

The two “blockaders” were cited and released with only a petty infraction, “Pedestrian in the road,” and ordered to appear in court by November 29.

Video clips of Pelosi being harassed by Hamas supporters captioned, “Never a moments rest for genocidal Nancy Pelosi”:

The left is eating their own as communist revolutions do.

Photo of author

Kristinn Taylor has contributed to The Gateway Pundit for over ten years. Mr. Taylor previously wrote for Breitbart, worked for Judicial Watch and was co-leader of the D.C. Chapter of He studied journalism in high school, visited the Newseum and once met David Brinkley.

You can email Kristinn Taylor here, and read more of Kristinn Taylor’s articles here.

