Mark Levin’s book on Democrats debuts as Amazon No. 1
September 19, 2023 08:12 AM
After a long build up that made it Amazon’s top-selling book before it was released, conservative talker Mark Levin’s latest finally went on sale today with a stern recommendation to his followers: Vote President Joe Biden out.
“If you want to destroy America, reelect Joe Biden,” Levin wrote in The Democrat Party Hates America.
“The Democrat Party does not care about what it is doing to our country, the system of justice, and our electoral process. It is the state party, seeking to monopolize our politics, society and culture. This is a revolution. The party comes first,” he added.
Over about 400 pages, Levin details the history of the party and its goal of seizing power in part by intimidating enemies, lying about its past and buying constituencies.

It is not a rant, but a researched and documented report on the party from its days as a proponent of racism to its current efforts to destroy the Supreme Court and Electoral College and even the Constitution.
“The Democrat Party stands for the relentless pursuit of power and control,” Levin wrote in his latest and 10th book. “The Roman Republic lasted 482 years. Our republic is only 247 years old. If the Democrat Party succeeds, the American experiment will have failed,” he added.
Levin has been promoting his book for weeks on his Mark Levin Show, syndicated on hundreds of radio stations, and on TV, especially his popular Sunday Fox show Life, Liberty & Levin.
Pre-sales have been so high because of his efforts, and the book was Amazon’s No. 1 seller before it was released — twice. It is likely to join Levin’s other political books as a New York Times best-seller. And like those it is likely to never be mentioned by the Times in its news columns.
Driving sales have been descriptions by Levin that it is an easy to read book, though not a simplistic one.
“This book isn’t a surface level book,” he told Secrets. “When you go through this book, it’s not filled with rantings and ravings, it’s not filled with bumper sticker sayings, it’s not anything of the kind. So that’s why it takes me 16 months to write a book, especially this book, it’s because I always asked the question, ‘What is behind what is behind it?’”
He has been critical of liberals and Democrats for years both on his media platforms and in his books. But his newest is focused on the party exclusively.
“This book is probably the most extensive exposure of the Democrat Party, certainly in modern history. It is a brutal takedown of the Democratic Party,” Levin said. “I thought it was time to bring it to the steps of the Democratic Party that we have been suffering as a result of this party from pro-slavery to now pro-Marxism, and we will continue to suffer as they destroy individualism, colorblindness, our economic system, our borders, law enforcement.”
As expected, it is also harshly critical of Biden, personally and on his policies, including flooding in illegal immigrants who may reward the president with political support.
“Biden is a reckless and stubborn autocrat who has frequent temper tantrums and screams and curses at his staff,” wrote Levin.
He also raised concerns about Biden’s mental condition and criticized the media’s refusal to out the president’s issues.
“Biden proves the point that in order to be a politically successful Democrat, especially if you want the Democrat Party nomination for president, you must despise our country. You must lie about it. You must denounce it. You must smear it. And if you want to be reelected and create an FDR-like legacy for yourself, you must attack the nation’s long-standing institutions, its history, its founders, its economic system, its sovereignty, and multimillions of its people — first black and now white,” Levin wrote.
“Being the consummate political chameleon, having spent half a century as a Washington, D.C, politician, Biden, even in his feeble state, is more than up to the task,” said Levin.