Married Mom Tries To Solve All Her Problems By Having Sex With A Bunch Of Random Dudes

The corporate media has a new obsession: MILFs.

The New York Times (NYT), the Washington Post, and the New Yorker have all taken the MILF archetype and inverted it into a tale of feminist heroism. It’s no longer a story of promiscuous young men pursuing older women to break their bonds of marriage and family. In 2024, MILFs are the “main character,” as the kids say, as the three outlets give a glowing profile of one aging, married mom and her sexual journey to “self-discovery.”

In her new memoir, “More,” Molly Roden Winter recounts the often turbulent experience of open marriage and the challenges of juggling her obligations as a wife and mother with her pursuit of sexual and romantic fulfillment.

— The New York Times (@nytimes) January 17, 2024

If you wish you knew more about the sex lives of women in their 50s, Molly Roden Winter has just the book for you. The married, Brooklyn mom of two has no real claim to fame. At some point, she was an 8th grade English teacher, The NYT reported. She’s written sparsely for some lefty mommy mags and amateurish literary reviews. She has only 145 followers on Twitter. However, both our publishing industry and corporate media are apparently so addicted to pushing the boundaries of sexual transgression that neither could resist telling the story of her “Big Sexual Adventure.”

As the Times explains, “More: A Memoir of Open Marriage” details Winter’s “agonizing and breathtakingly candid” experience with polyamory. Her journey began unexpectedly in 2008 after a decade of marriage, when, “frustrated after an exhausting day caring for their boys while he [her husband] worked late,” she fell into a “flirtatious conversation with a man.” Feeling guilty, she confessed her transgression to her husband who then encouraged her to “sleep with her new acquaintance.” Both then began seeing other people while ostensibly remaining happily married. (RELATED: ROOKE: A Year In The Life Of Aella Reveals Future The Left Wants For Women)

What started as a journey of “sexual thrill-seeking” for Winter — filled with “butt plugs, fisting and anal intercourse” — became something much more. The “brief encounters in seedy hotel rooms” transformed into “romantic partnerships that last for years.” She documents her experiences with her “generous German lover,” a French-Argentine with an illegal fetish, and the 29-year old with a “shockingly large penis.” Despite finding “sexual and romantic fulfillment,” she emphasizes that the pleasure did not come without pain.

Review by Kimberly Harrington: Molly Roden Winter’s memoir, “More,” is a very frank — and very hot — look at her non-monogamous marriage.

— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) January 15, 2024

Getting started was tough. Winter struggled to find paramours in a society that “didn’t cater to polyamorous people.” Often, she resorted to men who were cheating without their spouses’ consent. Her sons are not as supportive of her lifestyle choices as they could be. Additionally, she admits to being “consumed by jealousy” over her husbands’ girlfriends and struggling with “flashes of guilt and shame,” all while “juggling her obligations as a wife and mother.” With so much philandering and consequent anxieties, it’s worth asking: who the hell was around to raise the kids? (RELATED: ROOKE: If Conservatives Want To Win, Parenthood Needs A PR Makeover)

But neither Winter nor the Times ultimately seems too concerned with this question. In this narrative, Winter herself is the victim of the marriage, children, and society who left her wanting more. It is depicted as undeniably admirable that she broke out of the role designated to her; her family life and social anxieties are mere obstacles to overcome on the road to self-fulfillment.

In no way could those “obstacles” themselves ever be considered a source of fulfillment. Improving her marriage in the traditional sense or re-conforming to the broken norms that stimulate her anxiety are inherently seen as doubling down on her oppression. The very fact her shame exists proves she knows she’s doing something wrong. Yet the idea that infidelity, and transgression more broadly, is a natural source — the only source — of fulfillment is taken as a given.

Winter says this herself to explain why she wrote the book. “I felt like there were no stories from the mainstream about it [polyamory], and I felt very closeted,” Winter stated, The Times reported. “It often feels like mothers are not supposed to be sexual beings.”

Yet it’s hard to imagine she’s actually happy with her life choices. What actually transpired likely went a little something like this.

An uptight, middle-aged mom juggling a career with raising a family realized the pressures of “having it all” made her life miserable. Yet her brain was so scrambled by the feminist lies shoved down her throat since birth she couldn’t even contemplate a different lifestyle — say, becoming a stay-at-home mom. So instead, she turns to the other frontier feminism promised would provide meaning: sexual liberation. Her husband is too emasculated to care, so she spends over a decade getting used like a disposable Fleshlight by a bunch of random men. But now that’s just a third thing on her plate causing stress and anxiety.

She can’t admit that feminism failed her a second time, so instead she writes a book detailing her experience shattering one of the last taboos of a supposedly conservative social consensus, painting herself as a modern trailblazer for feminism. Her pursuit of a new source of fulfillment, again prescribed by liberal feminism, is becoming a noble victim standing against oppression. Yet she’s unlikely to find much meaning here. Like “having it all” and sexual liberation, this too is built on a mountain of lies.

Congratulations, Mrs. Winter — you’ve broken the glass ceiling for slutty moms everywhere. How do you feel? I’m going to guess, “Not much better.”
