Media and LGBT Activists Trying To Cancel Tucker Carlson Event In Pennsylvania | The Gateway Pundit | by Jacob Engels

Media and LGBT Activists Trying To Cancel Tucker Carlson Event In Pennsylvania

Weeks after Tucker Carlson’s fiery speech at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the veteran journalist and commentator is facing continued attacks from the legacy media in Pennsylvania relating to his upcoming “Tucker Carlson Live” tour stop in Hershey, Pennsylvania on September 21st at the Giant Center.

Judicial Watch Releases Police Report on Antifa Attack on Tucker Carlson’s Home, ‘Suspected Hate Crime’

In the last week, PennLive, one of Pennsylvania's largest print publications and a member of the legacy/mainstream media, published yet another op-ed (one was published in June as well) from a local resident who hates free speech.

This time it was from Lebanon, Pennsylvania resident named Lauren Reinbold, calling for the cancellation of Tucker Carlson's event in Central Pennsylvania next month.

Reinbold claims that Carlson's supporters have a "history of violence and hate-filled behavior," before continuing on stating that the event "will not be peaceful..." predicting that Carlson's supporters "will ensure violence."

This is a classic tactic of the modern-day leftwing, which projects the vile deeds and violence they inflict upon their fellow citizens, by blaming their political opposition for their own illegal acts.

In their minds, the destruction across America inflicted by the Black Lives Matter movement and Antifa are not, in fact, examples of leftwing insurrections or violence, but simply a "reaction" to America First leaders like Tucker Carlson and President Donald J. Trump, or even a staged event by right-leaning political elements in the United States to undermine leftwing causes.

The same goes for the assassination attempt on President Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania.

It wasn't the fault of legacy media, Hollywood celebrities, or Democrat politicians who have spouted violent rhetoric from the moment Donald J. Trump rode down the escalator in Trump Tower to announce his presidential campaign, it was Trump and America First advocates themselves who "hoaxed" or "planned" these domestic terrorist incidents.

With Kamala Harris' selection of Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota as her running mate, the "Blue Anon" talking points like you see in the letter to the editor urging the cancellation of Tucker Carlson's event in Hershey, PA, have only increased.

Before Lauren Reinbold's op-ed was published in PennLive, the publication infamously ran with dastardly headlines like this following the assassination attempt on President Trump:


So far, Hershey Entertainment & Resorts, which runs the Giant Center where Carlson will be appearing in Hershey, PA on September 21st, have stood by the event despite the numerous op-eds and a petition launched by LGBT and left-wing activists seeking its cancellation.

And you guessed it, the petition, created by the same Lauren Reinbold who published the most recent op-ed in PennLive pushing the Giant Center to cancel Carlson's September 21st appearance, makes it all about "racism, LGBT rights, integrity of elections and government." 

They are even claiming that the "unannounced special guest" at this stop on the Tucker Carlson Live tour is "problematic," because it is "stirring up interest" in the event. 

Tucker Carlson has repeatedly harmed the integrity of our government and elections, marginalized disabled and LGBTQ+ communities, increased hostility toward people of color, aligned with unfriendly foreign entities, and caused significant harm to this country which one could argue is irreparable.

Carlson himself predicted this reaction, stating, "We’re going to be talking about real issues with real people. You’d better believe the Establishment will be losing their minds."

And Carlson is no coward when it comes to talking about the real issues affecting real people, even if it means Antifa cowards storming his home, which Judicial Watch identified as a "hate crime."

Judicial Watch Releases Police Report on Antifa Attack on Tucker Carlson’s Home, ‘Suspected Hate Crime’

According to Harrisburg 100:

"Rather than to debate opposing perspectives, the leftwing faction of our local newspaper has resorted to attempts to shut down the voice of opposition because its editors disagree with the political views of Tucker Carlson. In fact, our capital city newspaper has shamelessly become accustomed to this practice. With little regard for actual public opinion, PennLive often beats the drum of leftwing activism in their editorials, clearly in coordination with political operatives.”

This isn’t an isolated incident. Just last week, PennLive published another negative opinion piece, this time invoking the legacy of Milton S. Hershey to further pressure HERCO.

Thankfully, some local Central Pennsylvanian residents have responded to these attacks on free speech, including Hummelstown, PA residents Laura and Randy Goss, among others. 

"We’re not afraid of free speech. What scares us is censorship, the half-truth deceptions sold as fact, and the use of intimidation to silence or compel compliance."

“The real danger lies not in differing viewpoints but in the bullying, intolerance, and shaming that have become all too common in our public discourse.”

- Laura and Randy Goss

Local area resident Bobby Jeffries has also highlighted the silence from District 106th Representative Tom Mehaffie on the attacks against Carlson's appearance. Mehaffie is often labeled as Democrat Governor Josh Shapiro and former Harris VP contender's "favorite Republican," and "Turncoat Tom" among GOP activists.

Not only for his failure to stand strong for the free exchange of ideas and constitutionally protected free speech in his district but his documented record of siding with Democrat elected officials and political special interests during his time in the state legislature.

Yet, to the dismay of the Goss family and countless others, our district’s so-called "Republican" State Rep. Tom Mehaffie is, as usual, doing nothing to defend it.

Rep. Tom Mehaffie was conspicuously silent just a few weeks ago after the failed assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump in Butler County, which injured many innocent Pennsylvanians and claimed the life of hero Corey Comperatore, who was murdered while protecting his family from gunfire. His failure to unify his district after this attack set a dangerous precedent, emboldening a deranged woman in his district to call for another attempt on the 45th President’s life.

Rep. Mehaffie’s loyalty lies with the Democrat Party, corrupt left-wing special interests, and the anti-American, pro censorship Biden-Harris agenda, which he has voted for countless times over the last decade in Harrisburg.

Here's to hoping that Tucker Carlson's upcoming events in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and across the country are spared any violence or disruptions from the radical left.

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