MIC DROP! Benny Johnson Destroys and Humiliates Leftwing Streamer Who Called Donald Trump “Demonic” on Live TV (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

MIC DROP! Benny Johnson Destroys and Humiliates Leftwing Streamer Who Called Donald Trump “Demonic” on Live TV (VIDEO)

From left: Piers Morgan, Destiny, Benny Johnson, and Sri Harsha

In a recent explosive episode of “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” Piers Morgan hosted a panel that resulted in a heated debate featuring political ideologies from across the spectrum.

The panel included Destiny, a leftwing commentator, Benny Johnson, a MAGA conservative, and Sri Harsha, a libertarian voice.

Tensions rose when Destiny referred to former President Donald Trump as “demonic,” a comment that sparked immediate outrage from Benny Johnson. Johnson, defending Trump, argued fervently against Destiny’s characterization, citing what he views as Trump’s efforts to combat human smuggling and bring peace to the world.

Below is Benny Johnson’s transcript of the interview:

“I particularly take quite a bit of umbrage with the description of Donald Trump as demonic. I think that is quite shocking, as a Christian myself, to call someone, somebody demonic like Donald Trump, who’s actually against the 10 million people who have been human-smuggled into this country, many of them children.

I remember a time not too long ago when people cared about the left, cared about children in cages, yet now they’re calling Donald Trump demonic. He wants to stop these human smuggling by the cartels.

Have you ever been down to the border, Destiny? Have you seen the rape trees? Have you seen the little children’s toys that are left down there from the human smuggling that is created by Joe Biden, the biggest human smuggler in human history?

Do you know the carnage and the horror that is being created by those policies? Let’s not even talk about how what Joe Biden has done to the world stage. Donald Trump brought world peace.

You’re going to talk about Kurds and wars. How about Ukraine? Joe Biden could have stopped that war before it even started. Joe Biden continues that war and continues the funding of that war that is leading to the wholesale slaughter of an entire region. Joe Biden could stop it right now. Joe Biden has brought war around the world.

And then let’s talk about the fentanyl poisoning America. You want to talk about cruelty? It took Joe Biden 400 days to go to East Palestine in Ohio, a city that was poisoned by our federal government in a chemical explosion, much less the chemical explosion that is happening all throughout America with fentanyl slaughtering 100,000 Americans.

And the final thing I’ll say here, how dare you call Donald Trump demonic when Joe Biden hasn’t even said Laken Riley’s name correctly, called her Lincoln Riley, when he was forced to. This woman was slaughtered by a criminal alien who was in this country illegally, who was released by Democrats and went on to slaughter a nursing student in Georgia with his bare hands.

And Joe Biden apologized to the murderer. How dare you say that Donald Trump’s demonic? Can you defend any of that behavior? Final thing I’ll say here is Joe Biden wouldn’t acknowledge his own grandchild. Even the New York Times said that is a sick, evil behavior.

So, if you’re looking for demonic behavior, my friend, I got it for you. It’s sitting in the White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in a diaper right now, during nap time.”

Johnson then asked Destiny, demanding an apology to the family of Laken Riley, a victim of a crime due to the “open border Democrat policies.”

“Could I ask Destiny right now, would you like to apologize to Laken Riley’s family for her murder? Since this open border Democrat policies that you promote on your program, would you like to apologize to the parents of Laken Riley for the murder of her?” asked Johnson.

Destiny pushed back against Johnson’s approach, calling it “virtue signaling” and challenging Republicans to address border security effectively rather than politicizing it.

“Why don’t you tell Republicans to stop turning into a game in Congress and actually approve legislation to get more funding down for the border? Right now, it’s Republicans who hold the plug on that because Trump wants to maintain the one little bit of electoral advantage you might have, which is you guys trying to stir stuff up over the border. And it’s funny also how you frame this all like, oh, they’re trying to stop human smuggling. No, they’re not. They’re just trying to secure the border. Humans are going to be smuggled all over the place regardless of whether it’s into America or not. It’s not like Trump actually cares,” Destiny claimed.

Piers Morgan then weighed in, siding with Johnson, underscoring the responsibility of the current administration to manage the border crisis effectively.

“What I would say about that is whether you’re on the left or right in America, nobody can dispute that the southern border is in complete and utter turmoil. And I’m afraid if you’re the president of the United States and you’ve been there for three years, it’s on you. Right? He’s done nothing to stop it. In fact, he’s made it a lot worse,” Morgan said.


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Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hᴏft here, and read more of Jim Hᴏft’s articles here.

