Migrants Who Rushed National Guard At Border May Have Been Released Into US Interior: REPORT

Many of the illegal migrants who poured in from Mexico by breaking down the fence and overwhelming the National Guard on Thursday may have been released into the American interior, according to former Daily Caller News Foundation and current New York Post reporter Jennie Taer.

Taer, a reporter on the southern border, told Fox News in an interview that “many” of those who participated in the storming of the border may have been processed and released into the American interior under Title 8.

Wow: @JennieSTaer just confirmed to @DanaPerino that many of these single adults who assaulted National Guardsmen and rushed the wall were later processed and released into the interior. https://t.co/7H0zfVMaRi pic.twitter.com/tTHbcckTVx

— John Cooper (@thejcoop) March 22, 2024

Title 8 is a measure whereby those who claim to be asylum seekers get their claims vetted by American courts. (‘You’re Just Wrong’: GOP Rep And CNN Host Clash On Border Policy)

“This sends the message to people around the world that even if you act like this, you can probably get into the country, and I think they continue to push these boundaries and to see what they can get away with. Here, they got away with some really, really scary stuff … and appeared to be assaulting some of the National Guardsmen. It was totally out of control,” Taer told Fox News.

Taer posted a video Thursday, taken by James Breeden, of the incident that showed a mass of people pushing against members of the Texan National Guard. “We were there and saw it all happen. Absolute chaos here,” Taer wrote.

Republican Texan Gov. Greg Abbott took to Twitter to assure people that the incident had been quickly brought under control. “The TX National Guard & Dept. of Public Safety quickly regained control & are redoubling the razor wire barriers. DPS is instructed to arrest every illegal immigrant involved for criminal trespass & destruction of property.”

About the surge of illegal immigrants in El Paso:

The TX National Guard & Dept. of Public Safety quickly regained control & are redoubling the razor wire barriers.

DPS is instructed to arrest every illegal immigrant involved for criminal trespass & destruction of property.

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) March 21, 2024

Republican Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson similarly tweeted that the Biden administration refused to do anything to defend the border from an “invasion.”

Police arrested suspected migrant Awet Hagos, who was found to be on a terror watchlist, in North Carolina on March 11 after an alleged armed standoff with police officers, WAVY reported. Hagos had reportedly been in North Carolina for months prior to his arrest.

Border Patrol arrested Basel Bassel Ebbadi, a Lebanese national, March 9 after confessing that he was a member of the terrorist group, Hezbollah, the New York Post reported. Ebbadi reportedly told American authorities that he planned to build a bomb.

Police arrested 22-year-old Jose Antonio Ibarra in February in connection to the killing of Laken Riley, an Augusta University nursing student. Ibarra entered the U.S. illegally in 2022, sources told News Nation.

Migrant encounters hit a record high in 2024 for any January, with Border Patrol recording more than 176,000. The previous January record was 157,358 in 2023.
