Milei’s Government Protects Children from Gender Ideology and Bans Inclusive Language in the Armed Forces | Gateway Hispanic |

The government of Milei protects children from gender ideology and also ensures that inclusive language will be banned in the Armed Forces.

Children’s Day in Argentina is different from other countries because it started with a group of Argentinians led by Enrique Trucco, founder of the toy store Truquito, with the purpose of donating to hospitals, schools, and orphanages.

The government headquarters, La Casa Rosada, published a post on X saying: «Our purpose is that all children grow up in a healthy and safe environment, away from those who promote gender ideology, which threatens their integrity.»

Javier Milei’s government confronts gender ideology, and as part of the celebration of Children’s Day in Argentina, the national government released a video on Sunday greeting the children in the country.

The message emphasized the government’s purpose of distancing itself from those who promote gender ideology, breaking away from the previous Kirchner administration.

«On this Children’s Day, we send a warm greeting to all the children of the Argentine Republic. We firmly believe that they are the future of our nation, and that is why we work tirelessly for their well-being and the fulfillment of their rights,» begins the narrator of the spot, which lasts less than a minute.

The Government’s message for Children’s Day:

To commemorate Children’s Day, important tips were also announced for children’s health, such as strategies to keep children away from screens and make healthy use of technology. Topics like schedules, sports, art, and cooking were among the suggestions from experts for parents, both for children and adolescents. How to reduce screen time and thus protect the physical and mental health of children.

The use of mobile devices affects adolescents’ ability to interact face-to-face, fostering sedentarism and technological dependence. This reduces their social skills and empathy, which is why experts say it is important to promote activities that keep them away from screens.

Many parents are concerned about the same situation: children who spend all day locked in their rooms playing video games or absorbed in their cell phones, not paying attention or responding to their calls. It is also common to see young people on the street, in bars, or at the gym, swiping their screens while letting long minutes pass between sets of exercises, remaining immobile on the machines.

A recent report by the Argentine Catholic University (UCA), through the Child Social Debt Barometer of the Observatory, reveals the consequences of these behaviors: 52.4% of Argentine children between 5 and 17 years old do not practice sports outside of school; 80.8% do not participate in cultural activities; 58.6% do not read printed texts, and three out of ten children under 8 years old in urban areas present a deficit in verbal stimulation, a fundamental area for their development.

However, it is undeniable that the smartphone has uses and benefits that have made it a fundamental element in everyone’s life, especially in the lives of teenagers. This device meets the socialization needs typical of this stage of life and also provides access to information, interests, and support in their school activities.

According to experts, it is crucial not to feel pressured to incorporate technology too soon. Digital devices are intuitive, and children learn to use them quickly. According to experts, the use of cell phones generally becomes necessary when children start moving around alone, which in Argentina usually happens around the age of 12, when starting secondary school.

According to the WHO, children between 2 and 5 years old can use these devices for a maximum of one hour a day, and always under adult supervision.

Studies show that children develop better social skills and a greater ability to regulate their emotions when parents limit screen use during interactions and family routines.

Educational institutions play a fundamental role in encouraging participation in sports, arts, and other extracurricular activities. These initiatives promote the development of strong interpersonal skills and relationships.

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