Most expect election violence, blame media and Trump – Washington Examiner

Over three-quarters of the country is fearful that the presidential election will turn violent, the latest sign that the nation is bracing for division and clashes not seen since the Civil War.

In the latest Battleground Civility Poll, 78% said they are concerned the election will become violent, and they blame former President Donald Trump and the media most for stoking the fire. But Democrats also are sharing in the blame as many voters appear to have given up that compromise and calmer heads will rule the election.

“The axiom that it is always darkest before the dawn seems particularly apt,” said Tarrance Group pollsters Ed Goeas and Brian Nienaber, the Republicans who jointly conduct the poll with Democrat Celinda Lake’s Lake Research Partners.

“Voters,” added Lake’s team in a memo, “are concerned about their freedoms. They see many ways to strengthen democracy but remain concerned about the level of division in the country, which they see as remarkably close to civil war.”

Chart courtesy of the Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service.

It’s not just voters. Leading survivalists and preppers have told Secrets that they are readying for violence and have suggested that the public stock up on food, water, and ammunition in case violence spreads.

The poll’s finding that many concerned about the election blame Trump and the media follow the media’s distortion of a Trump speech in which he used the word “bloodbath” to describe the economic impact on America if China is allowed to dump autos in the U.S. Liberal media presented it as a threat by Trump to the country if he loses the election.

Rasmussen Reports said on Friday that 40% believed the media spin, especially Democrats. Just 49% believed Trump was talking about China and not his reelection.

Chart courtesy Tarrance Group.

Rasmussen’s survey, like the Battleground Civility Poll, showed the anger some in the country have against the media.

In one question, for example, Trump’s old line that the media are the enemy of the people was tested anew. In results shared with Secrets on Friday, Rasmussen found that 60% agreed with Trump. And the reason to them is clear: 61% believed the media just repeats Biden White House talking points.

‘Bloodbath’? 60% Say Media Are ‘Enemy of the People’

After major news organizations distorted former President Donald Trump’s comments about a “bloodbath” for the auto industry, a majority of voters now agree with Trump…

More At Rasmussen Reports:

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) March 22, 2024

The civility survey, sponsored by Georgetown University’s Institute of Politics and Public Service, did find many hopeful that the national division will eventually heal, but it was the fears of the country that stood out.


Many, for example, are worried about sustaining democracy, and the concerns were bipartisan. Some 81% said that they believe democracy in America is currently being threatened.

“The faith of voters in our democracy has been shaken but there are reasons for hope,” said Mo Elleithee, executive director of the Georgetown Institute of Politics and Public Service. “If leaders will work to find common ground and seek out the best solutions, the roots are there to rebuild that lost confidence.”
