Muskegon Michigan, Voter Registration Fraud Capital, Caught Sending Double Ballots to City Voters | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Muskegon Michigan, Voter Registration Fraud Capital, Caught Sending Double Ballots to City Voters

Muskegon, Michigan, the same Michigan city where GBI Strategies tried to register 8,000 fake voters in a day, an investigation into which the corrupt FBI has been sitting on for years even though it involved explicit criminality, admitted Thursday that they sent out two absentee ballots to every voter in three precincts.

Muskegon City Clerk Ann Meisch wrote to residents, ” Please destroy or return the original ballot.”

The City of Muskegon, population 38,220, only has nine precincts, meaning that a third of the city’s voters are going to receive a double-set of ballots. Under Michigan law a precinct has less than 2,999 active voters.

The Elections Department does not work on Fridays, but the Gateway Pundit was able to reach Lori Hayes, who works at the County of Muskegon and works with the City to administer and oversee the election process.

Muskegon County Election Clerk Lori Hayes

“They caught this right away at the City,” Hayes told the Gateway Pundit. “The voters have been instructed to destroy the other ballot. If the extra ballot comes back, voting the wrong ballot, it will be rejected. There’s a huge checks and balances system for our elections and no way for an incorrect ballot to be counted. The Clerks will catch it, we are very much aware of what is going on.”

“This was just a glitch in the system, it was a mistake, but it was caught quickly and got fixed over a holiday weekend,” continued Hayes.

Hayes explained that in certain precincts, there are “splits” where a part of the same precinct covers multiple districts for elected officials. In this case, Hayes explained, the ‘splits’ and the errors on the ballots affected three County Commissioner districts, in Districts 4, 6, 7. Democrats currently hold those three seats.

Republican member of the Apportionment Commission for Muskegon, Chris Kaijala, was unconvinced, “In the private sector where I make a living, things like this would never happen. You have enough extra sets of eyes on things where you do quality control. I can only assume they’re either extremely stupid or something else is going on here.”

“These are not complicated ballot scenarios,” Kaijala added.

The city was recently gerrymandered by Democrats to retain control over the County Commissioners according to Kaijala. The plan to change the districts was approved against the majority of those appearing for public comment opposing the move. Republicans were pushing for 9 Commissioner Districts and Democrats prevailed by limiting it to just 5.

Kaijala pointed out a variety of things that could go wrong with this double-ballot scheme, “Did they number the ballots correctly? Can they properly separate the two different types of ballots with just one small change between them? What happens if people turn in the wrong ballot, right now they’re saying they are going to discard the ballots.”

Kaijala continued, “With the new laws passed by Democrats in Lansing, who is going to risk a felony to question them about their mistakes? How can you trust these people when this town is as corrupt as can be. I wouldn’t put anything past them.”

The far-left in Michigan recently made it a felony to challenge ballots or to upset poll workers by talking at them, so any chance at effective voter integrity is now eliminated because poll challengers have to risk a felony to challenge a ballot. Not to mention that plenty of 2020 voter fraud witnesses told the Gateway Pundit that they filed ballot challenges that were simply ignored by Clerks.

The County of Muskegon is controlled by Democrats by one elected official, 4-3. Control over that race will determine who controls the 7 seat County Commission, and has oversight over Muskegon’s corrupt election practices, and who controls the over $250 million dollar budgets for the Michigan County of 177,000 residents.

Election Integrity patriot Chris Kaijala tells the Gateway Pundit, “I can’t tell if this is the Clerk’s corruption or they’re just this stupid.”

Kaijala also laid much of the blame on the far-left Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, “Does the Michigan Secretary of State have any quality program or training system? They have problems with equipment certification, the tally machines can not meet the target error rate of 1 in 125,000 ballots, there is no signature verification guidance or training, they discourage poll challengers, and are so embarrassed by third party voter registration drives that they can not give a straight forward accounting of the new 12,500 compromised voter registrations in Muskegon, or when the investigation will conclude.”

Michigan law changed to switch County Commissioner seats to four-year terms instead of two-year terms, starting in 2024.

TGP contacted Muskegon City Clerk Ann Meisch by email but did not receive a response.

Letter sent this week from Muskegon City Clerk to voters, explaining that two sets of absentee ballots would be coming to their doors.


The two sets of absentee ballots received by voters in three precincts in Muskegon, Michigan.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

