MUST-SEE INTERVIEW: Jim Hoft and Maria Herrera Mellado Join the War Room to Discuss Our New International Website – Gateway Hispanic | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

MUST-SEE INTERVIEW: Jim Hoft and Maria Herrera Mellado Join the War Room to Discuss Our New International Website – Gateway Hispanic

Jim Hoft and Gateway Hispanic’s Maria Herrera Mellado join Natalie Winters on The War Room to discuss our important new website targeting the Hispanic community.

Earlier today, The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft and Attorney Maria Herrera Mellado announced the launch of Gateway Hispanic, a new freedom project targeting the Spanish-speaking community in America and abroad.

If you have not seen our launch video yet – take the time to watch this. It is really powerful.

Jim Hoft and Maria Herrera Mellado joined The War Room later this morning to discuss Gateway Hispanic.

Maria spoke about how she came up with the idea.

Maria Herrera: Well, first of all, I was a big fan of Gateway Pandit to begin with. Aren’t we all? I met him like, are you the CEO of Gateway Pandit? I was honored to meet Jim. Also, because I see that there is a real need to have our conservative news introduced to the Hispanic community. People really want to know what’s going on in US politics. They really want to understand how this election integrity and election rules work. They’re pro-life, they are pro-border security, and nobody wants to talk about that. We want for them to understand what’s going on and how to vote the right way.

Natalie Winters: There are a lot of parallels, I think, between what has been happening I mean, I look to Brazil, we always talk about how the populist movement is something that is global. It’s not just contained to the borders of the United States, of course, underscoring the importance of borders. But when you see Bolsonaro getting, attempted, thrown in jail for corruption, I think I’ve heard that playbook before. What are your thoughts on the similarities between what the grassroots of Latin America versus the grassroots of people in the United States, what they want to see from their leaders?

Jim Hoft: I think what we’re seeing is the same thing that people want all over. They want the freedom, especially when they come from some of these regimes in South America. They come to the United States. They don’t want communism. They don’t want the socialism that the left is pushing… Maria really grabbed me when she said, They’re not interested in sending their kids to school and have them come home, their little boys saying, I want to be a girl now. That isn’t something the Latin community is into right now. In issue after issue. They really line up with Conservatives. We just want to give them the website because they don’t have that opportunity to find out the truth. Now they do…

…You know what is really fascinating about this venture we’re starting, too, is we’re going to compete with it in South America because we have writers at Gateway Hispanic who are from Bolivia, El Salvador, Brazil, Argentina.

Natalie Winters: Primary sources.

Jim Hoft: They’re right there, and they’re going to be able to communicate what’s going on. They just don’t have the truth… Now they will.

Watch the entire video.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

