NBC Runs Pathetic Hit Piece on Free State of Florida, Claims People Fleeing The ‘Culture War’ | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew

NBC Runs Pathetic Hit Piece on Free State of Florida, Claims People Fleeing The ‘Culture War’

NBC has run a truly pathetic hit piece on the state of Florida, declaring that people are leaving the state because of “soaring costs and the culture war.”

Florida has become hot property over recent years, providing newcomers with all round sunshine and an escape from Democratic insanity of states such as New York and California.

This is largely due to its Republican Governor Ron DeSantis, who led the way against the COVID tyranny and ensured that Florida remained free while other parts of the country were under indefinite house arrest.

In its article, NBC notes that although hundreds of thousands of people moved to Florida, many also left the state and moved elsewhere:

While hundreds of thousands of new residents have flocked to the state on the promise of beautiful weather, no income tax and lower costs, nearly 500,000 left in 2022, according to the most recent census data. Contributing to their move was a perfect storm of soaring insurance costs, a hostile political environment, worsening traffic and extreme weather, according to interviews with more than a dozen recent transplants and longtime residents who left the state in the past two years.

The article goes on to cite the trials and tribulations of various Florida residents, including one woman who had her house egged after putting out a Hillary Clinton sign:

Costs and politics were also enough to cause Noelle Schmitz to leave the state after more than 30 years, despite her son having a year left in high school, and relocate to Winchester, Virginia. She said the politics became ever-present in her daily life — one former neighbor had a massive Trump banner in front of their house for years, and another had Trump written in big letters across their yard. When she put out a Hillary Clinton sign in 2016, it was stolen and her house was egged.

“I saw my neighbors and co-workers become more radicalized, more aggressive and more angry about politics. I’m thinking, where is this coming from? These are not the people I remember,” Schmitz said. “I was finally like, we need to get the hell out of here, things are not going well.”

Also quoted is a real estate agent claiming that he is suffering financially because of Florida’s embrace of freedom:

For some Florida newcomers though, politics is the main draw to the state, said John Desautels, who has sold real estate in Florida for decades.

But while politics are a lure to people arriving in the state, he said they’re also among the reasons sellers tell him they’re leaving, and the state’s politics have deterred some of his gay or nonwhite clients from moving there.

“The problem is, when we alienate protected classes, it sounds like a good sound bite, but you’ve got to remember those are people who spend money in our community,” he said. “For this pro-business, free state, I’m feeling it in the wallet, bad.”

Unfortunately for NBC, the reality is sinking in that Florida is refusing to go down the same path as California. And if Ron DeSantis’s blowout victory in 2022 is anything to go by, that will not be changing any time soon.

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Ben Kew is a writer and editor. Originally from the UK, he moved to the U.S. to cover Congress for Breitbart News and has since gone on to editorial roles at Human Events, Townhall Media, and Americano Media. He has also written for The Epoch Times, The Western Journal, and The Spectator.

You can email Ben Kew here, and read more of Ben Kew’s articles here.

