New images have been released showing the scale of destruction inside an old reactor at Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant.
The photographs, taken using miniature drones, were released on Monday by Tokyo Electric Power Company.
The images showed brown icicle-shaped objects, control equipment, and other distorted materials deep inside the melted reactor.
Officials hope the long-awaited images will give them more insight and the chance to observe the nuclear reactor’s core since the plant’s cooling systems were wrecked by a magnitude 9.1 earthquake and tsunami in 2011 that caused a Level 7 nuclear accident, the highest on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale.
TEPCO sent tiny drones into the vessel, collecting images and analyzing how to collect the debris for further investigation.
Almost 880 tons of radioactive melted nuclear fuel are inside the three ruined reactors. This project is part of TEPCO‘s Daiichi Decontamination & Decommissioning initiative of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
TEPCO‘s images include a “bird’s eye view of the snake-like robot in front of the opening” and “clump-like objects on top of the CRD housing that has fallen in the vicinity of the opening.”
Officials could not determine whether the hanging “clump-like objects” were melted fuel or equipment. They were also unable to collect radiation because the lightweight drones could not carry the weight of a dosimeter, a tool used to collect and measure radiation.