NEW VIDEO RELEASED from the Slaughter of Innocents at Israeli Dance Party by Hamas – Death Toll at Saturday’s Party Rises to Nearly 300 (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

NEW VIDEO RELEASED from the Slaughter of Innocents at Israeli Dance Party by Hamas – Death Toll at Saturday’s Party Rises to Nearly 300 (VIDEO)

New photos and video are making the rounds online following the gruesome and evil attack by Hamas barbarians at a Saturday morning dance party in southern Israel.

The Hamas terrorists flew paragliders into the concert party on Saturday and slaughter nearly 300 of the 3,600 partygoers as the party was starting around 6:30 AM.

The killers also raped the young beautiful women and took dozens of hostages both young men and young women. Their whereabouts are now unknown but Israeali Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Isreal will keep electricity and water from Gaza until all the prisoners – nearly 300 – are returned by the barbarians.

Young Israelis party on Saturday morning as Hamas fighters fly paragliders in the background to the concert to kill them.

One photo released after the Hamas mass murder attack shows one of the Hamas Islamists with an AK47 as he entered the party area to slaughter Jews.

Hamas killers came with sniper rifles, drones, paragliders and rocket launchers to kill the innocent youths at the party.

It was an organized and planned attack – A war crime that shocked the civilized world.

An Islamist terrorist with a Kalashnikov rifle on the festival site: Barbarians like him murdered hundreds of defenseless civilians, abused women and kidnapped innocent Israelis into the Gaza Strip Photo: X and Bild

Chaos erupted after Hamas reportedly opened fire on the gathering. Hundreds of Israelis ran into the desert to hide.

Several of the women who attended the party are still missing and may have been brought back to Gaza.

40 young women are pictured as missing.

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New video shows partygoers celebrating and then running for their lives. The video ends as they are hiding in ditch and being escorted by police.

Here again is previous coverage from the party targeted by the Hamas killers.

YNet News reported on the partygoers running for their lives as Hamas terrorists attacked the dance party or rave.

Here are the shocking videos from the Peace Party and rave before, during, and after the deadly Hamas attack.

Video was posted before the Hamas terrorists opened fire on the peace festival near the Israeli border with Gaza.

The music was so loud that the young Israelis and foreigners likely had no idea that Hamas had breached the border and was about to attack the concert killing numerous young adults.

There were HUNDREDS of young adults at the concert.

If you look closely you can see Hamas terrorists flying in the sky in the background approaching the concert!

Tweet translation: The Rave that was taking place in the Kibbutz of Urim, in Israel, before Hamas terrorists invaded the Gaza Strip. The terrorists arrived shooting at the party participants, killing and injuring many of them.

When Hamas attacked the party, the youths were obviously surprised and ran for their lives to their vehicles and out into the desert.

Israelis and foreigners flee a dance party in southern Israel after Hamas opens fire on the event killing numerous partygoers on Saturday Oct. 7, 2023. (screengrab)

You can hear the shooting in the background as Hamas killers opened fire on the innocent concertgoers.
The terrorists were screaming “Allahu Akbar!” in the background as they shot innocent partygoers.

Many concertgoers ran into the field and into the desert and hid for hours until Hamas had cleared the area.

This poor woman was captured by Hamas terrorists.

Woman captured by Hamas terrorists during attack on music concert in southern Israel. The woman reaches for a male friend who is also captured. Hamas supporters posted the video with a laughing emoji. (Yediotnews)

The survivors spoke about how they witnessed bodies along the road murdered by Hamas.

This young woman, Noa was captured by Hamas along with several others. She is still missing.

Israeli partygoers spoke with the BBC on Saturday after they escaped the Hamas concert attack.

The first woman in the video below says she was the first one to leave the field where she was hiding three hours after the attack. She saw many young people murdered in the road.

The next man in the video says there were bodies left and right outside the car. Hamas terrorists pulled people from the vehicle and gunned them down.

This was the same concert where German citizen Shani Louk was murdered and then Hamas killers tossed her body in the back of a pickup and brought her to Gaza where they chanted “Allahu Akbar!”

Woman Whose Body Was Seen in Back of Truck Identified as German Citizen Shani Louk – She Was Attending Peace Concert Near Gaza Border When Attacked by Hamas (GRAPHIC VIDEO)

Kibbutz Reim is just east of the border with Gaza in southern Israel.

Photo of author

Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

