No Hollywood, Abe Lincoln Was Not Secretly Gay

It wasn’t enough to make Napoleon a cuckold or the Queen of England black. Now, Hollywood decided it’s time to make Abraham Lincoln gay.

The upcoming “documentary,” if you can even call it that, tells the story of Lincoln’s rise, but adds an interesting twist. Titled — and I kid you not — “Lover of Men” the documentary seeks to answer “the big question” that people are supposedly asking: “Was Abraham Lincoln gay?”

The painfully long trailer features a crew of gender-freaks, crazy-hairs, and waspy old liberals dropping teasers of Lincoln’s supposedly well-documented but hidden history of homosexual love affairs. Of course, we get the obligatory lecture on how a bigoted society forced him to hide who he really was.

“He’s the greatest president the United States has ever had,” says of the historians.

That’s interesting. The left has long lectured us how Lincoln was actually a really bad guy. He didn’t fight the Civil War to end slavery, he did it to protect the North’s business interests, or whatever. Just a few years ago, leftist protesters were tearing down his statue while “respectable” outlets like the Associated Press ran think pieces implying he was just as much of a white supremacist as the Confederates he fought.

But as always with the left, Lincoln’s getting a rehab now because he’s useful.

“If you can accept a queer Lincoln, you can accept queer people over all,” the trailer concludes.

Ah, here we are. As George Orwell famously said, “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

The point of this nasty little piece of agitprop is to mainline “gay identity” even further into the mainstream psyche. It aims to rewrite history to show that the spectrum of LBGTQ insanity isn’t just some new fad, social contagion or life choice, but the permanent way of the world. With this, they aim to form a new generation in the mold of LGBTQ ideology and remake the world entirely.

The real question is: how long before this gets taught in schools?
