One Word Hunter Biden Used During Statement at DC Presser Tore Up Joe Biden’s Defense of Corruption Allegations (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

One Word Hunter Biden Used During Statement at DC Presser Tore Up Joe Biden’s Defense of Corruption Allegations (VIDEO)

Hunter Biden on Wednesday arrived in DC and gave a press conference on Capitol Hill where he revealed he will only answer questions under his own rules despite a congressional subpoena.

Congressional Republicans subpoenaed Hunter Biden for a closed-door deposition related to his influence-peddling and family corruption.

Hunter Biden on Wednesday said he will only testify “at a public hearing.”

The first son also made a damning statement that tore up Joe Biden’s corruption defense. One word Hunter Biden used caught the attention of Republican lawmakers and reporters.

“My father was not financially involved in my business,” Hunter Biden said.

Hunter was careful to specifically say his father was never ‘financially’ involved in his business.

Hunter tacitly admitted that his father Joe Biden was involved in his overseas businesses in other ways.

“Let me state as clearly as I can. My father was not financially involved in my business. Not as a practicing lawyer. Not as a board member of Burisma. Not in my partnership with a Chinese private businessman. Not in my investments at home nor abroad and certainly not an artist,” Hunter said in remarks on Capitol Hill.


House Oversight Chairman James Comer on Wednesday announced GOP lawmakers will initiate contempt of Congress proceedings after Hunter Biden brazenly defied a lawful subpoena.

“Hunter Biden today defied lawful subpoenas and we will now initiate contempt of Congress proceedings. We will not provide special treatment because his last name is Biden. As our committees were today prepared to depose Hunter Biden, he chose to make a public statement on Capitol Hill instead where he said his father, Joe Biden was not financially involved in his family’s business dealings. Exactly how was Joe Biden involved? Evidence shows Joe Biden met with Hunter Biden’s business associates and his name was at the center of the family business strategy,” a joint statement by House Oversight Chairman and House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan said.

Joe Biden was heavily involved in his son Hunter’s overseas business.

Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s longtime friend and business associate, appeared before the House Oversight Committee over the summer to testify on the Biden Crime Family.

Here are some key takeaways from Devon Archer’s testimony per the House Oversight Committee:

  • When Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States, he joined Hunter Biden’s dinners with his foreign business associates in person or by speakerphone over 20 times.
  • Devon Archer testified that the value of adding Hunter Biden to Burisma’s board was “the brand” and confirmed that then-Vice President Joe Biden was “the brand” and that the 20 phone calls were to sell “the brand.”
  • Devon Archer admitted that “Burisma would have gone out of business if ‘the brand’ had not been attached to it.” Because of the Bidens’ involvement, people would have been intimidated to mess with Burisma legally.
  • In December 2015, Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, and Vadym Pozharski, an executive of Burisma, placed constant pressure on Hunter Biden to get help from D.C. regarding the Ukrainian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin. Shokin was investigating Burisma for corruption.
  • Hunter Biden, along with Zlochevsky and Pozharski, “called D.C.” to discuss the matter. Biden, Zlochevsky, and Pozharski stepped away to make the call. This raises concerns that Hunter Biden was in violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
  • Joe Biden was dialed into a dinner in Paris with a French energy company and in China with Jonathan Li, the CEO of BHR. Then-VP Biden also had coffee with Li in Beijing and even wrote a letter of recommendation for college for Li’s daughter.
  • Archer confirmed Joe Biden was referred to as “my guy” by Hunter Biden.
  • In 2014, then-VP Biden attended a business dinner with Hunter & his associates at Café Milano in D.C. Elena Baturina, a Russian oligarch who is the widow of the former mayor of Moscow, was an attendee. Notably, the Biden Admin’s public sanctions do not contain Baturina.

It should also be noted the Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky held 17 audio tapes, 15 with Hunter and 2 with Joe Biden, he kept as an insurance policy.

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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

You can email Cristina Laila here, and read more of Cristina Laila’s articles here.

