Palestinian Official: “I am not a Fan of Hitler, but When Hitler Perpetrated the Holocaust, He Had Obvious Reasons” (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

Palestinian Official: “I am not a Fan of Hitler, but When Hitler Perpetrated the Holocaust, He Had Obvious Reasons” (Video)

Yasser Abu Sido Image: Middle East Media Research Institute

Yasser Abu Sido couldn’t help but say the quiet part out loud.

Sido, an official in Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction, told Egyptian TV recently that Adolf Hitler had “obvious reasons” for ordering the extermination of Jews in the Holocaust and that Jews “planned to take control of Germany.”

In a transcript translated by Middle East Media Research Institute, Sido said:

“Several European, Americana and Arab officials have said that an Israeli attack against the Palestinians in Rafah would constitute a no lesser crime than the Holocaust. I would like to ask: Why did the Holocaust happen? I am not a fan of Hitler, but when Hitler perpetrated the Holocaust, he had obvious reasons. The Jews and global Zionism were offered various places in the world – in Argentina, in Uganda, in the north of Sinai, in the south of Iraq… But they chose Palestine, for other reasons that we may mention later.”

“They planned to take control of Germany. They started to bring down Germany in terms of the economy and moral values. Hitler reacted by making the Jews go on the streets and lick the sidewalks. They know this very well. Kristallnacht is well known is Jewish history, and so is the Night of the Long Knives, when Jews were ordered to put Stars of David on their breasts, and they were called ‘filthy Jews’.”

“Let me say this loud and clear – the Jews distorted many verses in the Torah, in order to make them more agreeable for them. I do not want to cite examples, because some people might consider me an antisemite, although it is us Arabs who are Semites, not them.”


These are the people the left wants Israel to broker peace with.

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