Palestinian terror-tied group booted from new online fundraising platform

Palestinian terror-tied group booted from new online fundraising platform

October 18, 2023 04:00 AM

EXCLUSIVE — A “progressive” charity revealed through a Washington Examiner investigation to share Palestinian terror connections was choked off from fundraising by the fourth payment processor this year.

PayPal, Stripe, and Salsa Labs have all in 2023 stopped working with Alliance for Global Justice, an Arizona nonprofit group that has come under congressional scrutiny and legal pressure for its ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terror group. The next company jumping ship from the charity is the Minneapolis-based Deluxe, which in October provided Alliance for Global Justice a lifeline to rake in contributions through credit cards and bank transfers in the United States, Deluxe told the Washington Examiner.


“Deluxe has terminated its relationship with this organization and will no longer process any donations for it,” spokesman Keith Negrin said. “We take our values and responsibility to the communities we serve very seriously and were unaware of the nature of this organization, which had only recently become a customer. Again, thank you for bringing it to our attention.”

The revelation is the latest blow to Alliance for Global Justice’s ability to maintain financial stability and comes after PayPal informed House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) in late September it was cutting ties with the charity. Through fiscal sponsorship, Alliance for Global Justice provides left-wing projects with services such as donations, payroll, and health insurance. One coalition sponsored by Alliance for Global Justice is the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, which has shared staffers with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, according to multiple Washington Examiner reports.

Israel’s government in 2021 designated Samidoun as a terrorist group and PFLP “subsidiary,” according to documents. PayPal closed accounts for both Samidoun and its coalition member Collectif Palestine Vaincra in recent years following reporting on their Palestinian terror ties. Alliance for Global Justice also sponsors the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, a pro-Palestinian group that the Democratic fundraising giant ActBlue recently booted off its platform.

Alliance for Global Justice says it sponsors 130 projects, but its website page to view them now directs to a “404 error,” as of this writing, the Washington Examiner found. Other projects it has sponsored in the past included the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement against Israel and Lajee Center, whose director has posted videos on social media seemingly depicting Palestinian civilians and children violently clashing with Israel’s military.

Deluxe closed Alliance for Global Justice’s account on Tuesday and left a voicemail notifying the charity, Negrin said.

“Honestly, it’s just our values,” he told the Washington Examiner. “Our values are about trust and doing the right thing. That is obviously relevant here. When something comes across like this, it’s an easy call to say this is not in line with our values or way of thinking.”

Screenshot 2023-10-17 at 1.17.40 PM.png
Prior fundraising website for Alliance for Global Justice through Deluxe, which cut ties with Alliance for Global Justice after multiple Washington Examiner reports. Oct. 17, 2023.

Screenshot/Alliance for Global Justice/Deluxe/Oct. 17, 2023.

The move by Deluxe also comes the same day as Zachor Legal Institute, a pro-Israel think tank, sent a Tuesday letter to the company asking that it urgently review its relationship with Alliance for Global Justice. The think tank told the company it would be in contact with the IRS and Treasury Department “to inform them that Deluxe is now processing payments that fund foreign terror organizations.”

Zachor Legal Institute alleged in the letter that Alliance for Global Justice appears to be providing material support to terrorism in violation of federal law, thus possibly implicating companies processing payments for the charity. Deluxe has processed less than $200 in donations for the nonprofit group, according to Negrin.

“We also call on the Biden administration to take action against faux humanitarian groups that take advantage of loopholes in the terror-financing sanctions system by updating the Office of Foreign Assets Control’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons list to include those entities that are fundraising fronts for terror groups,” CEO Marc Greendorfer of Zachor Legal Institute told the Washington Examiner.

Meanwhile, Samidoun and Collectif Palestine Vaincra have continued since the Israel-Gaza war broke out last weekend to participate in pro-Palestinian rallies. Samidoun on Oct. 8 posted pictures on social media of activists giving candy to protesters in Berlin to celebrate the deadly Hamas attack launched one day earlier, resulting in Germany’s government banning Samidoun, Reuters reported.

Over 1,400 Israelis have been killed since the Hamas attack, while the terror group alleges the death toll in Gaza is close to 3,000. Thirty U.S. citizens have died in connection to the attack, while 13 are unaccounted for, according to the U.S. government.

“The entire problem is that ‘Israel’ is upholding ‘its values’ — that is, colonialism, genocide and Palestinian death and dispossession,” Samidoun posted on X on Sunday. “Those are in fact the ‘values’ of Zionism being upheld here, and the ‘values’ for which all of the imperialist powers are vowing allegiance.”

The entire problem is that “Israel” is upholding “its values” — that is, colonialism, genocide and Palestinian death and dispossession. Those are in fact the “values” of Zionism being upheld here, and the “values” for which all of the imperialist powers are vowing allegiance.

— Samidoun Network (@SamidounPP) October 15, 2023

Samidoun on Oct. 14 shared a conspiratorial pro-Hamas post by a self-described “anti-Zionist Israeli” named Miko Peled that said, “Zionists keen to downplay Palestinian fighters abilities, latest rumor: Israel knew about the attack & let it happen. I’ve said this once, I’ll say it again: Palestinian fighters are superior to Israeli soldiers, they’ve proven it before and now they’ve proven it again!”

Zionists keen to downplay Palestinian fighters abilities, latest rumor: Israel knew about the attack & let it happen.

I’ve said this once, I’ll say it again: Palestinian fighters are superior to Israeli soldiers, they’ve proven it before and now they’ve proven it again!

— Miko Peled (@mikopeled) October 14, 2023


Alliance for Global Justice did not reply to a request for comment.

IRS spokeswoman Karen Connelly declined to comment, telling the Washington Examiner the agency can’t speak publicly about “investigations contemplated, in progress, or completed.”
