Paul Joseph Watson: The Truth About the English Riots (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

Paul Joseph Watson: The Truth About the English Riots (Video)

Paul Joseph Watson breaks down the truth about the English riots.

Paul Joseph Watson breaks down the truth about what is really happening in the U.K. as the country is gripped by riots.

After a 17-year-old of Rwandan migrant heritage. No, sorry. A Welshman born in Cardiff launched a savage knife attack that left three girls dead in South Port. Absolute unbridled chaos unfolded across England.

Towns and cities across the nation, angry anti-mass migration demonstrators fought running battles with police, set fire to buildings, and engaged in violent confrontations with left-wing and Muslim counter-demonstrators.

In Stoke, mobs of diverse chaps rampage through the streets looking for revenge. Similar scenes in Bolton where armed gangs chanted Allah-Akbar before targeting lone individuals.

Others physically attacked lone white people in Middlesbrough. In Leeds, people wearing Union jacks were set upon. But, interestingly, the media barely included any of this in their reporting.

In some cases, their report has deleted the videos entirely. Sky News condemned an attack on a taxi while conveniently failing to mention the tooled-up mob right behind them carrying machetes and blunt weapons.

The two-tier system of policing, one of the very things that fueled the riots, was also on full display. Police telling Muslim counterprotesters to politely leave their weapons at the mosque while offering reassuring words that they were there to protect them.

When asked about two-tier policing, police chiefs weren’t too keen on discussing it.

Amidst all the chaos, we’re to endure the same political class of media that tacitly endorsed and lionized the 2020 BLM riots. Denounced the 2024 anti-mass migration riots as nothing more than far-right extremism.

The same Prime Minister who literally took a knee in response to BLM riots, along with numerous Metropolitan police officers in London who did the same, now inform us that somehow this is totally different.

In 2020, violent attacks against police officers were part of ‘largely peacefu’l by racism protests. But in 2024, violent attacks against police officers are nothing less than serious violence.

The George Floyd riots were a brave fight against injustice. Meanwhile, same woman……

In 2011, the UK was besieged by similar riots that were started as a result of police killing a black criminal. The media’s response then, well, once again, it was somewhat different. They challenged the depiction of the rioters as mindless criminals, compared the rioters to South African freedom fighters, and said nice kids were being put behind bars.

In 2011, the looting of shoe shops was characterized as part of a new global revolution caused by a corrupt global elite inequality in the 2008 financial crisis. In 2024, those exact same people characterized it as criminal opportunism.

A riot is the voice of the unheard. Unless white working-class people do it, then it’s far-right extremism. When the native white working classes start rioting, the lack of community centers and ping pong tables are all of a sudden not the reason why.

Is decades of mass migration to blame? No, all white working class are far-right thugs. ‘The scenes in Rotherham today are among the most wicked Britain has ever witnessed.’

Really? Matthew must have missed the 1,400 children being groomed in Rotherham over the course of more than a decade. And while fires being set and the windows of migrant centers being smashed may indeed be shocking, some might argue that dozens of kids being maimed and killed by a suicide bomber at the Manchester Arena is a little more wicked than a riot outside a hotel.

Watch the full video below:

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