Photo of Political Prisoner Tina Peters in Orange Jumpsuit Released-This is What the Biden-Harris Regime is Doing to a Gold Star Mother

In yet another blatant display of political persecution, former Mesa County, Colorado Clerk Tina Peters, 68—a gold star mother—was sentenced to 9 years in prison in early October.
In August, Peters was found guilty on seven of ten charges for preserving critical election data.
After bravely raising questions about election irregularities, Peters was relentlessly pursued by local and federal authorities, culminating in charges that were politically motivated from the outset.
Peters’ crime? Exposing the truth about what happened in the 2020 election.
As a last act before entering prison as the result of a political prosecution, Peters publicly released the Mesa County Colorado Voting System Forensic Examination and Analysis reports.
Tina asked her supporters to view her investigative reports on election integrity in Mesa County, Colorado. The reports 1-3 are found at
Tina Peters, a widow, and Gold Star Mother has never violated any laws. She is 69 years old and will be 78 when the state releases her from prison.
Tina shared a photo in her prison orange to X.
Love you Steve now get me outta here!
— Tina Peters Whistleblower of fallen Navy SEAL (@realtinapeters) November 2, 2024
The two-tiered nature of the politically motivated Biden-Harris DOJ can be seen in the stark difference between how Tina Peters has been treated in contrast to how the serious breach of election security by Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s office has been addressed.
Griswold’s office left voting system passwords publicly accessible on the state’s website for several months.
Despite discovering the exposure on October 24, Griswold’s team only began to change the leaked passwords after the Colorado GOP brought the issue to light.