Poll Finds Biden Got No Boost in Numbers From Angry, Partisan SOTU Address | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Poll Finds Biden Got No Boost in Numbers From Angry, Partisan SOTU Address

Democrats have been cheering since Biden’s State of the Union address last week, because they believe he showed himself to be mentally competent. They really thought that his angry, yelling style speech was a winner.

Voters? Not so much.

A new poll finds that Biden got no boost in his numbers following the speech.

Yahoo News reports:

Yahoo News/YouGov poll: No State of the Union bump for Biden

Pundits may have fawned over President Biden’s State of the Union address last Thursday, praising it as a “homerun” performance from a “fiery, powerful, vigorous guy” that would ease nagging fears about his age and vitality.

But voters barely seem to have noticed.

A new Yahoo News/YouGov survey of 1,482 U.S. adults, conducted in the days immediately following Biden’s big speech, shows zero improvement in perceptions of the president — or in his standing against former President Donald Trump.

Before the State of the Union, Trump (45%) and Biden (44%) were statistically tied in a head-to-head 2024 matchup, according to the previous Yahoo News/YouGov poll from late January.

They remain tied today, with Trump at 46% and Biden at 44% — a gap that’s well within the poll’s margin of error (2.8%).

Before the speech, 40% of Americans approved of the job Biden was doing as president; 56% disapproved. Today, those numbers are 39% and 55%, respectively.

Democrats clearly started celebrating a little too soon.

The media did everything they could to help Biden on this but it didn’t work. At this point, disapproval for the job Biden is doing seems unchanged.

