Pro-Hamas graffiti smeared at Lincoln Memorial blamed on police cuts

Pro-Hamas graffiti smeared at Lincoln Memorial blamed on police cuts

December 22, 2023 03:39 PM

The union that represents members of the United States Park Police today said that staff and funding cuts played a role in letting “thugs and extremists” paint pro-Hamas graffiti in red paint on the walkway leading to the Lincoln Memorial from the Reflecting Pool.

Kenneth Spencer, chairman of the U.S. Park Police Fraternal Order Of Police, said cuts in support have reduced police protection in the area.


“Like most Americans, the officers of the U.S. Park Police are sickened by the images of red spray paint vandalism across the Lincoln Memorial this week,” Spencer said.

“Most Americans who have visited the monument are asking an appropriate and reasonable question: How can these thugs and extremists get away with such activity in the area of an urban national landmark that serves as a place for historic reverence and reflection? There’s an alarming and tragic answer to that question, and one that Congress must address as soon as possible,” he said.

Wednesday morning the area between the Reflecting Pool and the Lincoln Memorial was painted with graffiti including messages of “Free Gaza”. Crews were at work to remove the paint almost immediately. US Park officials say multiple treatments may be needed.

— Kate Ryan (@KateRyanWTOP) December 20, 2023

In a statement calling for more funding from the Interior Department, National Park Service, and Congress, Spencer said that the Washington Metropolitan Area Park Police force is down 14%, or 62 officers, from the “minimum” 432 needed.

“Our regular patrols of the National Mall area have been significantly decreased and will progressively worsen throughout 2024 and beyond,” he warned in a statement shared with Secrets Friday.

He added that the cuts are impacting other areas around the country where U.S. Park Police play a major role in security. For example, he said that the San Francisco field office is down more than 50% and has just 32 officers of the 65 required.

“Despite this, our proud officers are working tirelessly with limited resources to catch the individuals responsible for this event,” said Spencer of the Lincoln Memorial attack. He added, “Even with little support from NPS, we do our best to provide quality law enforcement service, but our current staffing level is hardly sufficient to secure the safety for the millions of global visitors to that area every year.”

Earlier this week, vandals spray-painted pro-Palestian words in red on the walkway to the Lincoln Memorial. “Free Palestine” and “Land Back” were among the words the Park Service has been removing from the area.

The memorial was the site of a pro-Israel rally in October, a few weeks after the surprise Hamas attack on Israel that killed thousands and prompted Israel’s pledge to wipe Hamas out and crush their hideouts in the Gaza Strip.


PRESS RELEASE From the Chairman:

“We All Agree…It’s Time to Pass Legislation to Recruit and Retain More Officers for the US Park Police…”

USPPFOP response to the @Interior Law Enforcement Task Force Report-

— USPP FOP (@1791FOP) November 1, 2023

In another attack, pro-Hamas protesters smeared red paint on a White House gate in an earlier protest.

“The vandalism from earlier this week is about more than red paint on concrete — it represents an attempt to intimidate and threaten Americans. Swift congressional action is urgently needed to make sure our monuments and federal parks are truly safe and security,” said Spencer.
