Pro-life Advocate John Hinshaw Tells Court He Accepts Imprisonment to Expiate the ‘Great Guilt’ of Pro-Abortion Judge | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

Pro-life Advocate John Hinshaw Tells Court He Accepts Imprisonment to Expiate the ‘Great Guilt’ of Pro-Abortion Judge

Pro-life advocate John Hinshaw

Joe Biden’s DOJ/FBI is hunting down pro-life conservatives while ignoring Antifa and BLM militants and the radical Hamas supporters shutting down and terrorizing college campuses.

Under Biden, the DOJ weaponized the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, a 1994 law that prohibits interfering with anyone obtaining or providing “reproductive health services,” as a punishment for the Supreme Court’s reversal of  Roe v. Wade in June 2022.

After the Supreme Court ruling, Biden formed the DOJ-led Reproductive Rights Task Force to enforce the act.
According to The Epoch Times, The FACE Act has now been used 130 times against pro-life individuals but only used three times against pro-abortion protesters.

On Tuesday, pro-life advocate John Hinshaw, 69, was sentenced to 21 months in prison for blocking access to late-term abortionist Cesare Santangelo’s Washington Surgi-Clinic.

Hinshaw spent his career in human services working with the homeless, addicted, disabled, and otherwise marginalized populations.

LifeSite News reports that in August 2023, a D.C. jury found Hinshaw, Lauren Handy, Will Goodman, Heather Idoni, and Rosemary “Herb” Geraghty guilty of violating the FACE Act and “conspiracy against rights.”

The following month, Joan Andrews Bell, Jonathan Darnel, and Jean Marshall were convicted of the same and Paulette Harlow was convicted in November.

Hinshaw shared before his sentencing that he accepts his imprisonment to expiate the ‘great guilt’ of the pro-abortion judge, Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, presiding over his case.

Hinshaw declared, ‘I stand here for Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly to accept the punishment rightly hers,’ and condemned the judge’s ‘great guilt of pride, indifference, and intolerance.’

During this unjust imprisonment we were gifted with another baby granddaughter, Charlotte Millie, a fiesty little girl who came early – 32 weeks gestation. I know this court only considers her a “would-be child” at that age. At 32 weeks gestation, she was at the same age as Phoenix, Harriet, Holly, Christopher X, and Angel, the Washington five slain by Santangelo. They are named today in honor of their eternal dignity. What makes my granddaughter a treasure and these five trash?? How is this allowed? HOW IS THIS ALLOWED???? It is allowed by courts covering up the crimes of Santangelo.

Today, I am told is an opportunity for me to say I’m sorry and so I am sorry. Sorry for having failed in the vocation bestowed upon me the day I became a father. The vocation of protecting children. I have failed this miserably, and so I apologize to this court as I believe my failure contributes to the failure of this court to fulfill its vocation to protect the innocent. And this failure of the court thus contributes to my failure.

So all the years of court-protected slaughter have led us here, where I stand convicted, though guiltless. SENT, as I am, to take upon myself the guilt of this court. I stand here for Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly to accept the punishment rightly hers. The Latin term for this is spem in alium. And as I open my arms to plead the mercy of this court on Kollar-Kotelly, I ask the One True Judge, whom she and I will be seeing very soon, to accept my act of love toward her as expiation of her great guilt of pride, indifference, and intolerance.

You can read his full remarks here.

