Recess request: Johnson’s three-headed approach to keep his grip on the gavel – Washington Examiner

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is trying to pick up several wins that could fend off threats to his speakership as he leads a slim and shrinking majority.

Johnson outlined his plan for how he is planning to move forward as the leader of the House of Representatives while avoiding the same fate as former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who was ousted in October. The Louisiana Republican addressed the motion to vacate and the fight over Ukraine funding, among other things, on an appearance on Fox News’s Sunday Night in America with Trey Gowdy.

He defended his choices as the top House Republican, reminding viewers about the reality the minuscule GOP majority imposes on the party’s ability to get legislation passed. As a path forward, he gave three steps for House Republicans.

Johnson said that first, Republicans must show what they stand for, as a contrast to Democrats and President Joe Biden, and show how they “stand for those core principles” of the GOP.

His second point was that Republicans must be a united front because of their narrow majority, and he argued it would make the House majority stronger in negotiations and said Republicans would “have better standing.”

Johnson’s third point emphasized that because of the nature of divided government, with a Democratic Senate and White House, the House GOP should be pushing forward “incremental wins” — saying Republicans should be going for a “first down” rather than a “hail mary.”

Johnson also called Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene‘s (R-GA) motion to vacate a “distraction,” noting he has been in communication with the Georgia Republican over her frustrations, such as the government spending minibus.

“I think all of my other Republican colleagues recognize this is a distraction from our mission,” Johnson said. “Again, the mission is to save the republic. And the only way we can do that is if we grow the House majority, win the Senate, and win the White House.”

He also signaled there could be a path for Ukraine aid, combined with some concessions by Democrats, or it could be done via a different method, such as a loan.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) told CNN on Sunday that Johnson wants to put “wins on the board” for the GOP, but he also teased a “better path” is being made on Ukraine aid.


“I’m glad the speaker hasn’t rolled over to the $95 billion Ukraine supplemental that the Senate passed, and I think that he’s forging a better path on that issue as we speak,” Gaetz said.

The House is in recess until next Tuesday, April 9, when Johnson could have to face a vote on a motion to vacate once the chamber reconvenes.
