REMINDER: Special Commemoration Ceremony Tonight at DC Gulag with Micki Witthoeft – Honoring 2 Years of Vigils for J6 Political Prisoners – Please Donate if You Can | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

REMINDER: Special Commemoration Ceremony Tonight at DC Gulag with Micki Witthoeft – Honoring 2 Years of Vigils for J6 Political Prisoners – Please Donate if You Can

Guest post by Jenn Baker

Mother of Ashli Babbitt, Micki Witthoeft, commemorates 730 nights on FREEDOM CORNER

** Please Donate to to if you can.

When I attended CPAC in 2023, I was introduced to the mother of Ashli Babbitt and others she was with. We spoke for a few minutes and said hi throughout the day as we passed each other in the crowded halls.

They told me about and invited me to attend the vigil that had begun about nine months prior and was held every night, seven nights a week .

I was very eager to learn more about the January 6 prisoners and was incredibly touched by the invitation, so I grabbed my friend, jumped in an Uber, and headed to the address given.

I was very thrown off when we arrived at the vigil, which was held on a sidewalk corner known as “Freedom Corner,” behind the DC Correctional Treatment Center known as “The Gulag,” and next to the Congressional Cemetery. I’m not sure what I was actually expecting but do know it wasn’t what I found.

What I actually found was some of the most beautiful people I’d ever met and some of the most beautiful humanitarian work I’d ever witnessed.

In a time when it feels people wouldn’t stop to spit on you if you’re on fire, I was witnessing people standing in the rain in 30 degree weather, caring and listening to different men calling in from the jail, telling stories, talking politics or about their case, and even making pleas to the audience watching on the livestream.

People were hugging others they didn’t know and singing worship songs and popular MAGA songs. Then at 9pm sharp, everyone stood together while singing the National Anthem along with the brave men held in the gulag just feet away.

While Micki Witthoeft started this vigil two years ago for several reasons that still exist today, it has grown and matured into something much bigger.

On Thursday, Micki commemorated 2 years of vigils at Freedom Corner. On Saturday she will hold a special vigil.

** If you cannot make it out on Saturday night, please donate to

In a previous article with TGP, Micki introduced herself to the Gateway Pundit readers,

“My name is Micki Witthoeft. I am the proud mother of murdered American Air Force Veteran Ashli Babbitt. I have relocated from San Diego to Washington D.C. in pursuit of a real investigation into the events surrounding January 6th, the deaths of unarmed American citizens, and the persecution and cover up that continues to this day. We have been blessed with support from the American citizens who find value in our activism. We The People By The People!”

Ashli Babbitt was murdered inside the US Capitol on January 6th by Capitol Police officer Michael Byrd. Despite the absolute neglect and utter disregard by the government in doing any investigation of Ashli’s murder, Micki moved to DC to have her voice heard.

The vigil has been attended by many people within the conservative and MAGA movement. Matt Gaetz visited last year and spoke to the hostages. President Trump has called Micki with specific messages for the guys.

Tina Peters, a Colorado Election Whistleblower and now podcaster on Lindell TV, has dedicated every Friday as J6 day on her podcast after she visited the vigil. Pastors, musicians, celebrities, and everyday people have come to the vigil, and many lives have been changed by that visit.

It has become a place where friends and family can come or tune in to hear the voices of the prisoners and feel connected. They can hear the name of their loved one being read during role call.

Roll call is when the names of those we have lost and those detained over January 6th are read. At some points in time, the list has been very long and took over five minutes to read, but when the list does finally end, Ashli Babbitt’s name is said loud and proud.

** To help keep the vigil going please donate to

As the vigil has had and still has many visitors, it has also had many participants. Wonderful, dedicated people who want to support and help Micki continue to be a presence in the city and also for the prisoners.

The person who has been with Micki the longest is Nicole Reffitt. Nicole is the wife of Guy Reffitt, the first J6er tried by the corrupt DOJ. Although he should be home, he is still in prison, and his wife is an advocate and voice for him and the other J6ers.

Tami Jackson, wife of J6er Brian Jackson, has been with the vigil for over a year. She was instrumental in helping start the Northern Neck Vigil which occurs every Friday night.

Because the J6ers are not allowed to take anything with them when they leave the DC Gulag, Tami helps them get their property home after they are transferred to the Bureau of Prisons.

She also extends a hand to help a lot of the families of the inmates. Since her husband’s sentencing is happening next week, Tami will soon be returning home to prepare for his release.

Others who have been instrumental in making sure the vigil happens every night are Tommy Tatum, Gary McBride, Ivan Raiklin, live streamers StormTrooper 1791, Sapphirepatriot, Glory Bee, and other dedicated attendees. Chinese Americans have been there to help in almost every situation and always there for support for the vigil and the J6ers.

A few of the organizations that have been there for Micki and the vigil are Sarah McAbee w/ , Treniss Evans w/ , Dave Sumrall w/ and many more.

This vigil that started two years ago today has become a lifeline for the prisoners as well as a lifeline for the families, friends, and supporters. It connects the prisoners to the outside world and lets everyone have a voice.

The families can listen to the voices of their loved ones and hear how they are doing or even hear their name during roll call, which has become a comfort.

I was able to sit down with Micki and Nicole during a recent visit, and they talked about how impactful the vigil has been to the J6 community. We also talked about what it means to be on Freedom Corner every night for two years for them as well as the J6ers.

The Vigil was 2 years old August 1st and will be commemorated on Saturday Aug 3rd. If you are in the area, please show up and say hello. You can also enjoy all the festivities from the livestreams.

To hear more about the vigil, to get information about anything and everything J6, to order merchandise, and also to donate to the vigil and help support the ongoing efforts of Micki and the rest of the supporters, please visit

Looking back at my first visit to the vigil, I remember that I couldn’t stop crying. Then I went again and cried a little bit less. Today when I go, I am unable to be the one who reads the roll call, because I end up crying before getting through the names, but other than that for the most part the tears have diminished. Today, I find more madness than sadness.

The people who are on that corner every night, 730 Days now, are the strength and the love that make it ok to yell that this is wrong. That is what they are saying. These men and women should not be in this jail or in prison.

These police officers should not get away with murder. These parents and grandparents should be home with their kids, and these young people should be home with their parents, families, and friends. Justice is all everyone wants and of course for each and every prisoner to be freed.

You can join the vigil live stream at

** To help support the vigil you can donate at

Please join us Saturday August 3rd to commemorate 2 years of nightly vigils.

4Ashli leaders Micki Witthoeft and Nicole Reffitt

Photo of author

Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

