Rep. Jasmine Crockett isn’t honest about critical race theory being taught in schools

Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) is not being truthful with the public. 

During recent testimony before Congress on student academic performance in the country, the representative from Texas claimed to have uncovered that critical race theory was not taught in public schools between kindergarten and 12th grade. Her evidence? A comment from Denise Forte, the president and CEO of a group called the Education Trust, a left-wing policy advocacy group on education. 

“Critical race theory, is that typically taught K through 12, yes or no?” Crockett asked Forte. 

“No,” Forte replied. “OK, all right, so we can stop with the nonsense because K through 12 was not teaching critical race theory, at least in this country,” Crockett said. It then prompted her to take a victory lap on X and boast as if she uncovered some great truth or provided actual evidence that verified her allegations. 

“Y’all know you can count on me to cut through the @HouseGOP lies. This week, they tried it again: blaming ‘Critical Race Theory’ in an Oversight Hearing on declining K-12 student performance,” Crockett posted. “I fact-checked them in real time: Critical Race Theory is not taught in K-12.”

Y’all know you can count on me to cut through the @HouseGOP lies.

This week, they tried it again: blaming ‘Critical Race Theory’ in an Oversight Hearing on declining K-12 student performance.

I fact-checked them in real time: Critical Race Theory is not taught in K-12.

— Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (@RepJasmine) February 1, 2024

However, this is an egregious lie. Crockett didn’t fact-check anyone or anything — in reality, she proved absolutely nothing. All Crockett did was merely ask a willing accomplice a question, and that person gave an opinion. It was a political performance, not a truthful testimony. And, as Crockett boasted about cutting through lies, objectively speaking, she should look in the mirror regarding accusations of lying. Those in Crockett’s house shouldn’t be throwing stones. 

The claim that critical race theory is not taught in schools has been repeatedly debunked. At this point, it is indeed well known that the core components of critical race theory are taught in public schools and have been for years, if not decades. Claiming otherwise is wrong, unethical, and a lie.

For example, in July 2021, an editorial in the Washington Examiner read: “While we all debate what critical race theory is and whether lawmakers should ban it from public schools, every honest person should agree on one thing: This theory is behind the curricula in school districts all over the country, shaping the minds of unsuspecting, malleable children.” 

The editorial cited a report by Christopher Rufo that found “that 30 public school districts in 15 states are teaching a book, Not My Idea, that tells readers that ‘whiteness’ leads white people to make deals with the devil for ‘stolen land, stolen riches, and special favors.’” Moreover, the book added that white people are allowed to “mess endlessly with the lives of your friends, neighbors, loved ones, and all fellow humans of color for the purpose of profit.”

This is critical race theory. This is not history. This is not factual information. It is weaponized propaganda meant to influence the minds of young students to get them to think a particular way. It is this radical and extremist agitprop that every opponent of critical race theory is fighting against. Most importantly, it proves that Crockett was not honest about critical race theory being taught in schools. 

Furthermore, the Manhattan Institute also helped expose this lie in October 2022. It reported on a study conducted in schools throughout the country in which the majority of students reported being taught the core principles of critical race theory in schools. It was yet another example to reject Crockett’s misinformation. 

“For the CRT-related concepts, 62 percent reported either being taught in class or hearing from an adult in school that ‘America is a systemically racist country,’” the study found. Additionally, “69 percent reported being taught or hearing that ‘white people have white privilege,’ 57 percent reported being taught or hearing that ‘white people have unconscious biases that negatively affect non-white people,’ and 67 percent reported being taught or hearing that ‘America is built on stolen land.’”

Again, this is not history. These are not truths. These are weaponized opinions passed off as historical facts with the sole intention of brainwashing school-going children. And it’s also more evidence showing Crockett’s dishonesty about teaching critical race theory in schools.

This is all part of a radical left-wing, Howard Zinn version of studies that amplifies certain negative aspects of the nation’s history to weaponize ideologies to shape and mold students’ minds. It’s a distortion of history to manipulate students. It resembles the Soviet Union’s propaganda prevalent in Stalinist youth groups between 1930 and his death in 1953.

In addition to being deceitful about critical race theory being taught in schools, proponents of the curricula are also disingenuous about why people oppose critical race theory. For example, many of those who support critical race theory repeatedly claim the importance of teaching about slavery in schools. This is true: Slavery should be taught in schools. However, what critical race theory does is convolute historical lessons about slavery in the United States — as if it was not an institution that originated in Africa or existed in every civilization worldwide throughout history. 

Additionally, critical race theory curricula will also ignore historical facts that show free black people in the U.S. also owned slaves — and at a disproportionately higher rate than free whites did. Instead, the critical race theory version presents slavery in a way in which students are brainwashed into thinking it was created by white people solely for the benefit of white people. 

Critical race theory weaponizes history to create cultural divisions in the population to indoctrinate students into embracing radical left-wing sociocultural ideologies so they will think a certain way, act a particular way, and advance narratives to normalize propagandized versions of history. The sole purpose of its existence is to indoctrinate, not educate. 


Sadly, we live in an era when teachers care more about indoctrinating than educating. They prioritize radical and extremist left-wing political propaganda at the expense of academic proficiency and achievement. It’s why students cannot achieve proficiency in basic math, science, or English but can recite the core tenets of critical race theory. 
