Repeal of Ranked-Choice Voting Makes Ballot in Alaska | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

Repeal of Ranked-Choice Voting Makes Ballot in Alaska

In 2022, Democrat Rep. Mary Peltola “won” reelection in Alaska to a full term in the House in November after she defeated Sarah Palin in a special election to replace Rep. Don Young.

Peltola was the FIRST DEMOCRAT to win the House seat in solid red Alaska in 50 Years! She was only able to win the seat in the deep red state because of the conspiracy known as ranked-choice voting.

Ranked-choice voting and mail-in ballots were implemented in Alaska by referendum in 2020.

This is how Democrats steal seats. And Republicans let them.

The Gateway Pundit reported in 2023 that Alaskans for Honest Elections began collecting signatures that will rid them of the state’s ranked-choice voting and non-partisan primaries in the state.

On Tuesday, Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom, who heads the Alaska Division of Elections, announced that sponsors of the anti-ranked choice initiative gathered almost 37,000 signatures, about 10,000 more than necessary, to allow the measure to appear on the ballot for Alaskans.

In addition, the signatures came from 34 of Alaska’s 40 voting districts which is four more than required by law.

Alaskans for Honest Elections announced that Alaskans have won the right to have its repeal of ranked-choice voting on the ballot this year.

Must Read Alaska reports:

The Division of Elections has certified 36,841 signatures, and those came from every House district but six, easily making the needed threshold for statewide support. The group needed to have 26,705 registered voters to sign the petition, which was handed into the Division of Elections in January.

With dark money from outside the state, ranked-choice voting was presented to Alaska as a way to clean up elections. Instead, it has only made them more muddy and less trusted, critics say.

Proponents of ranked-choice voting kept their organization alive to fight any attempts to repeal it. Alaskans for Better Elections will have massive amounts of dark money at their disposal to persuade voters to keep the system, in which there are no separate party primaries, and where general elections are done by ranking who voters prefer, followed by their second choice and third choice.


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